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Current Bid
09/06/2020 11:27 am


Dimensions (mm)
22.000 x 14.700 x 4.300mm
Weight (cts)

This is a well polished and finished opal pendant from Winton. It's has been glued to the opal and a leather like strap included. This is hand made, hand polished.
With each opal getting the best finish possible is the most important thing. This field is know for it's quality stones.

As with all our stock you may return it for a full refund if not pleased.

All our opals are taken in a light box with no adjustment to the pictures or videos. The opals are generally better in real life than in the pictures and videos, we are sure you will be very happy once you receive your beautiful opal.

Shipping provider Shipping to Australia Shipping to rest of world
FedEx $25.00 / 5 days $40.00 / 7 days
FedEx is discounted to $20.00 on orders with 3 or more items
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FedEx is discounted to $30.00 on orders with 3 or more items
DHL $15.00 / 5 days $20.00 / 10 days
DHL is discounted to $15.00 on orders with 3 or more items
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DHL is discounted to $15.00 on orders with 3 or more items
Express Shipping $15.00 / 5 days $30.00 / 10 days
Express Shipping is discounted to $10.00 on orders with 3 or more items
Rest of the world
Express Shipping is discounted to $20.00 on orders with 3 or more items

Welcome to Opals Marina . Here you will find all Australian opals of the best quality that are all hand cut and polished. All of my stones come direct from miners and there friends that mine in the opals field such as Coober bedy, Yowah, Koroit,Winton, and Lighting ridge. My experience is as an opal cutter and jewelry designer. I have been trading opals for 20 years, and sell my products in gems and opals show in Thailand, Winton, Yowah, Lighting ridge and the Gold Coast every year. I have over 20 years experience with Opals and consider myself somewhat of a Opal Expert. The Australian opal is known for being the best and the opal fields of Australia produce the most beautiful opals in the world . I source, cut and polish all of my beautiful opals that you see in my store. If you have any enquiries please contact me as I am here to help you, with my experience i want to make sure you have the best experience when you come shopping with me. Shipping terms are once you have paid i will ship your products by the next day and if you buy on the weekend i will ship for you on the Monday after the weekend. If you are not happy with the opals you can return them and we are happy to give you a store credit to the same value of which you purchased the opals for.. Good luck in your bidding i look forward to cutting and polishing your dream stone.
Ballina, Australia
7916 Feedback

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
3 years ago

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Shipping Details

$20.00 10 days via DHL
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  • paypal
  • stripe
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 878607
Starting Bid : $49
Starts : 3rd June 2020 07:35 am AEST
Ends : 10th June 2020 04:27 am AEST
* All prices are in USD