Green Opals: History, Symbolism, Meanings & More!
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green opal gemstoneGreen opals are stunning common opal variants that are renowned for their vibrant green body color. Though this stone is less sought after than its more iridescent counterparts, green opals still have an earthy and natural allure that stands out against other gemstones. 

You can find green opal raw, tumbled, and even faceted, and they are often sold for spiritual healing and cleansing practices. There’s a lot to learn about this emerald-hued gem!

In this article, we’ll review the composition and geological background of green opal, as well as its physical properties, history, meaning, and spiritual benefits.

natural green opal

What Is A Green Opal?

On a chemical level, what is green opal? Well, like other opals, green opals are a hydrated amorphous form of silica (hence their chemical formula, SiO2·nH2O). They have more or less the same chemical composition as minerals like quartz, but with a more disorganized internal structure. Additionally, green opals often include nickel in their formation (especially in the case of prase opals) which creates their characteristic green hue. 

Green opal can come in a variety of shades, from deep and saturated emerald greens to yellowish and mature chartreuses. Many green opals come in a muted jade color, to the point where cut and polished versions of green opal could be easily mistaken for jade when set in jewelry. 

On the Mohs mineral hardness scale, green opal ranges between 5.5-6. While this is not much lower than the hardness for other semi-precious stones like moonstone, it still means that any green opal rings, necklaces, earrings, or other forms of polished jewelry can be prone to scratching. 

When this happens, it can cloud your green opal’s surface and cause any visual effects, like a cat’s eye effect or an adularescent gleam, to become indistinct and hard to see.

Getting your opal jewelry professionally repolished and recut can help with this, especially if you have an engagement ring or another opal jewelry item that you wear on a regular basis. 

prase green opal

Green Opal Origins

So where does green opal come from? Green opals can come from any common opal vein. However, certain locations specialize in mining green opals:

  • Tanzania: This African nation is well-known for its prase opal mines. Prase opals are a type of green opal noted for their translucency and high quality, and vibrant, jade-like color. You can’t buy this variety of green opal tumbled, as they are most often cut into faceted stones or cabochons for jewelry. 

  • Madagascar: Madagascar green opals are beautiful stones that come in earthy lime-green shades. This variety has an organic appearance, and they are popular spiritual crystals. Untumbled, natural green opals of this variety are particularly prized.

Green Opal Gemstone Properties

Green opal forms when silica spheres, sourced from silicate rocks eroded by running water, pool together with water to form a silica-rich mixture. This mixture then drips through cracks or fissures in the earth to form a concentration of silica spheres that arrange in complex layers to form opals. 

Physical green opal properties, like the arrangement of these spheres into structured layers and the shape of the spheres themselves, allow for light to diffract through the opals. 

Almost every opal labeled as “green opal” is common rather than precious.

In terms of opal classification, “common” refers to opal varieties that aren’t transparent and don’t include the iridescent play-of-color that opals are known for. Instead, they may display a dull, whitish luster under their surface called adularescence. 

While some vendors may sell white precious opals with green play-of-color, these are not necessarily green opals, as “green” refers to the stone’s body color or body tone. 

Inclusions, or foreign materials or substances that get trapped inside an opal, can form in green opals to give them a particularly gorgeous effect. Opal inclusions are relatively rare and can be made from a wide variety of minerals and organic substances, from iron “dendrites” — little moss-like mineral formations — to sticks and even ancient bugs and opalized animal fossils. 

While green opals may not display inclusions as prominently as more transparent stones, it can still be nothing short of stunning to see a verdant opal with mossy iron inclusions trapped within. 

peruvian green opal faceted

How to Identify Green Opal

Is green opal natural? Or are there artificial imitations that saturate the market? 

Well, green opal should be all-natural, but unfortunately, there are plenty of imitation opals and even mislabeled minerals on the market being sold as green opals. Jade and cut glass may be sold in place of prase opals, and it’s not unheard of for serpentine or prasiolite to be sold as green opal, too. 

One of the more well-known (and more dangerous) instances of dishonest stone selling is with the sale of “green swiss opal.” This is never opal; instead, it’s often a fibrous form of the mineral serpentine called chrysolite. Chrysolite has been frequently used in construction as an asbestos, and it poses a real threat to your long-term health if its dust is inhaled. 

This may be another reason for consumers to learn how to identify green opal; while glass substitutes are a bit lackluster and disappointing, some substitutes can potentially kill you!

Here are some ways to recognize green opal:

  • Look for a slight milky luster right under the surface. While this isn’t always there, it’s characteristic of common opal, and it’s not found in similar-looking stones like quartz. 

  • Avoid banded or otherwise strangely patterned stones. Green opals, if they aren’t a solid green, will have small organic-looking speckles or webbing. They will not have horizontal stripes like those seen in chrysolite. 

  • Conduct a scratch test. Opals are softer than many other stones, and scratching them could indicate that the stone at hand is uniquely soft. 

So, we’ve looked at green opal features and characteristics, but how rare is the gemstone?

Is Green Opal Rare? 

Green opal is not particularly rare, as it’s a common opal rather than precious opal. Over 95% of all opals mined are common, leaving only a small margin for precious opals to proliferate. Furthermore, green is not an especially rare common opal color, making it a frequently encountered opal variety. 

Well, if it’s not rare, is green opal valuable? 

Not particularly. While green opal prices obviously vary based on the quality of the opal, even when it comes to common opals, they are not particularly valuable. Common opals aren’t semi-precious stones; they’re not considered especially valuable by consumer markets, likely because they lack the play-of-color seen in precious opals. 

green opal pendant with precious opals

Green Opal History

While the name “green opal” itself has a pretty intuitive backstory — it’s, y’know, an opal that’s green — the word “opal” itself has interesting origins. 

Some scholars argue that the word comes from the word upala in Sanskrit, meaning “precious stone.” Others argue that it could derive from the Greek word for the action of “seeing a change of color,” opallios

Regardless of the history of its name, however, there is little known about the history of mining for green opals in particular. One source posits that the first prase opal in Tanzania was found in 1975, and mining operations have been established there ever since. 

However, in terms of common green opal in general, it’s pretty safe to assume that humans have known of them for as long as we have known of opals — so, about 6,000 years, give or take. After all, the vast, vast majority of opals are common, and a significant portion of common opals are green. 

Unfortunately, the lack of demand for common opal has prevented most kinds of green opal varieties from having a particularly storied past. It seems only in recent years has a market opened up for the non-precious common opal to be featured in jewelry or used as spiritual healing tools. 


Green Opal Meaning & Symbolism

Historically, green gemstones have been associated with a number of meanings, chief among them being the power to heal the eyes and relieve eye strain. However, what do opals mean spiritually? What does green opal symbolize?

Green opal meanings are often representative of the heart and one’s emotions, according to many contemporary spiritual practices. Carrying green opal or having a green opal set in your jewelry may bring good fortune to your relationships and help you to feel grounded and in touch with your feelings. 

Additionally, green gemstones are thought to be associated with nature and renewal, making them a great option for individuals who are looking to become more grounded in the natural world. 

And of course, we can’t leave out one of the oldest symbolisms associated with the color green: good luck! Contrary to the myth that opals are bad luck, green opals can boast good fortune and prosperity to wearers! 

Opals are conduits for healing and growth, so how can their properties benefit you?

prase green opal pendant with white precious opal

Green Opal Healing Properties

One of the many green opal crystal meanings is emotion. Green opal is intimately tied to affairs of the heart and the heart chakra, so it makes complete sense that its healing properties would revolve around easing emotional wounds and strains. 

The stone is purported to restore your emotional strength in periods when you feel devoid of motivation, but it can also calm turbulent emotions and prevent them from ruling your life. Some spiritualists claim they use this stone in the wake of difficult emotional events, like breakups, fights, and disruptions to long-term plans or goals.

On a physical level, some claim that green opal can help to reduce fevers, ease infections, and improve cognition. 

If you’re looking to take advantage of green opal metaphysical properties, consider carrying a piece with you in a purse, pocket, or satchel. According to some spiritualists, green opal benefits can include easing burdensome feelings about your relationships and helping you to regulate your emotions. 

Green Opal Chakra

How can green opal heal your chakras, and what chakra is green opal associated with? Green opal is best used to unblock the heart chakra. The heart chakra, located in the center of your chest, is connected to one’s ability to form relationships, love oneself and others, and experience joy in daily life. 

The chakra is rooted in feeling, and a blocked heart chakra can really hinder your compassion, love, and patience. Some signs of a blocked heart chakra include:

  • Depression

  • Social anxiety

  • Isolation

  • Unempathetic responses

Healing with green opal gemstones can unblock the heart chakra, opening your heart to compassion and unconditional love with much more clarity and enthusiasm. You’ll find a new pep in your step, one filled with joy and exuberance that propels you to engage deeper in your relationships. 


Bring Green Opals into Your Home Today!

We’ve covered a lot of ground with green opals in this guide. If you’ve got a hunch that the grass is, in fact, greener on the other side, use opal gems to take you to new pastures! 

Though green opals may not be considered technically as precious as their iridescent counterparts like white opal, black opal, and crystal opals, they offer a wide variety of helpful benefits to your emotional and spiritual health. 

Beyond that, however, green opals hold an uncommon beauty not found in many other opals. While flashes of light are obviously pretty, common green opals are also gorgeous in such a distinct way; they are vibrant green stones that almost look like small, mossy river stones. They can be partially translucent and showcase a lustrous effect, making them strong contenders against the beauty of precious stones. 

If you’re looking to find reprieve from some recent emotional difficulties, or if you’re on the hunt for a unique stone to wear in a ring, necklace, or pair of earrings, consider purchasing the allure of a beautiful green opal gemstone!

Shop for green opals today!






在化学层面上,什么是绿蛋白石?好吧,与其他蛋白石一样,绿色蛋白石是二氧化硅的水合无定形形式(因此它们的化学式为 SiO2· n H2O)。它们与石英等矿物具有或多或少相同的化学成分,但内部结构更加混乱。此外,绿色蛋白石通常在其形成中包含镍(特别是在普拉斯蛋白石的情况下),这会产生其特有的绿色色调。


在莫氏矿物硬度范围内,绿蛋白石的范围在 5.5-6 之间。虽然这并不比月光石等其他半宝石的硬度低多少,但这仍然意味着任何绿色蛋白石戒指、项链、耳环或其他形式的抛光首饰都容易被划伤。






  • 坦桑尼亚:这个非洲国家以其蛋白石矿而闻名。 Prase 蛋白石是一种绿色蛋白石,以其半透明和高品质以及充满活力的翡翠般的颜色而闻名。您无法购买这种跌落的绿色蛋白石,因为它们最常被切割成切面宝石或凸圆形宝石制成首饰。

  • 马达加斯加:马达加斯加绿蛋白石是美丽的石头,呈泥土灰绿色色调。该品种具有有机外观,是流行的灵晶。这种未经粉碎的天然绿色蛋白石特别珍贵。












嗯,绿色蛋白石应该是全天然的,但不幸的是,市场上有很多仿蛋白石,甚至贴错标签的矿物被当作绿色蛋白石出售。玉石和切割玻璃可能会代替 prase 蛋白石出售,蛇纹石或 prasiolite 作为绿色蛋白石出售也并非闻所未闻。




  • 在表面下方寻找轻微的乳白色光泽。虽然这并不总是存在,但它是普通蛋白石的特征,并且在类似石英的石头中找不到。

  • 避免带状或其他奇怪图案的石头。绿色蛋白石,如果它们不是纯绿色,将带有有机外观的小斑点或织带。它们不会像在橄榄石中看到的那样具有水平条纹。

  • 进行划痕测试。蛋白石比许多其他宝石更柔软,刮擦它们可能表明手头的石头非常柔软。



绿色蛋白石并不是特别稀有,因为它是一种普通的蛋白石,而不是珍贵的蛋白石。开采的所有蛋白石中有 95% 以上是普通蛋白石,只剩下一小部分珍贵蛋白石可以增殖。此外,绿色并不是一种特别罕见的常见蛋白石颜色,使其成为常见的蛋白石品种。






一些学者认为这个词来自梵文 upala一词,意思是“宝石”。 其他人则认为它可能源自希腊语单词opallio ,意思是“看到颜色的变化”。

然而,无论其名称的历史如何,人们对绿色蛋白石的开采历史知之甚少。一个消息来源认为,坦桑尼亚的第一颗 prase opal 是在 1975 年发现的,从那时起就在那里建立了采矿作业。

然而,就一般的绿色蛋白石而言,可以很安全地假设人类已经知道它们的时间与我们对蛋白石的了解一样长——所以,大约 6,000 年,给予或接受。毕竟,绝大多数的蛋白石都是常见的,而普通蛋白石的很大一部分是绿色的。


来自坦桑尼亚的 30.50 CTS PRASE OPAL 包裹 [MS8218]





当然,我们不能遗漏与绿色相关的最古老的象征之一:祝你好运! 与蛋白石不吉利的神话相反,绿色蛋白石可以为佩戴者带来好运和繁荣!


prase 绿色蛋白石吊坠配白色珍贵蛋白石









  • 沮丧

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74.65 CTS 翻滚的秘鲁蛋白石包裹 [VS7751]







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