The Flame Queen Opal: World's Most Expensive Opal
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the flame queen world's most expensive opalThere are plenty of record-breaking opals, but which is the most expensive opal? That honor goes to the Flame Queen opal, the most expensive opal in the world that sold for the modern-day equivalent of over $3 million.

The Flame Queen opal has a couple of other names — it’s also called the “Fire Queen” opal and “Dunstan’s Stone.”

In this guide, we’ll fill you in on the legendary history of the Flame Queen opal, its many fascinating characteristics, and just how much this record-breaking opal is worth.

the flame queen world's most expensive opal

What Is the Flame Queen Opal?

The Flame Queen opal is an unmounted black nobby opal weighing 261.03 carats (52.21 grams). The stone’s dimensions are roughly 72 x 58 x 11.5 mm (2.8 x 2.3 x 0.45 in).

Its form is triangular and somewhat pear-shaped. Additionally, the Flame Queen displays beautiful and rare red color flashes, so it’s sometimes called a “red-on-black” opal. The border is greenish-blue and the color flashes appear electric blue under certain types of lighting.

If some of those terms above confused you, we’ll break down what they mean.

An “unmounted” stone is simply a loose gem, not attached or mounted to any type of jewelry or display stand. This term is important for measuring the weight of gems alone, rather than the total weight of a piece of gemstone jewelry.

Next, black opal is a type of opal with a dark body tone, meaning the base or background color. An opal must fall between N1 to N4 on the body tone chart to count as a black opal.

Black is the rarest, most valuable opal color for both its scarcity and the way the dark background allows for a brighter play-of-color when the opal is precious rather than common. Red color flashes (another term for play-of-color) are especially prized.

If you’ve ever wondered: what is the world’s most expensive black opal? The Flame Queen opal holds that record as well!

Lastly, “nobby” refers to a shape of rough (uncut) opal almost exclusively found at the famous Lightning Ridge fields of Australia. It’s characterized by a naturally lump-like shape, though there are some variations. One nobby shape called a “witch’s hat” or “China hat” has a flat base and cone-like shape with a peaked center.

This opal is among the many famous opals in Australian mining history.

So, who discovered the Flame Queen opal? And when was it discovered?

Lightning Ridge Miners Association

History of the Flame Queen Opal

The Flame Queen opal was discovered in Lightning Ridge, Australia, in the early 1900s. There are two conflicting stories surrounding its discovery. One credits three partners for making the discovery around 1914, while the other credits Charlie Dunstan as discovering it in 1906.

We’ll cover the Dunstan story first.

First Theory: Charlie Dunstan

According to some reports, Charlie Dunstan discovered the “Fire Queen” opal in 1906 at the Angledool Diggings in Lightning Ridge, Australia, initially naming it “Dunstan’s Stone.”

The opal allegedly weighed 900 carats, and Dunstan soon sold it for £100, which translates to £8,152 or $10,001 dollars in modern-day. Tragically, Dunstan was found dead in his hut soon after.

From there, the opal’s ownership changed a few times, landing in the Chicago Museum in 1928 where it was valued at £40,000 (£1,992,684 or $2.4 million today). It was then renamed the “Fire Queen” opal, though it’s still called the “Flame Queen” today.

American business magnate J.D. Rockefeller bought the opal in the 1940s for £75,000, which translates to the record-breaking $3,620,700 amount that the opal is known for.

Second Theory: Phillips, Bradley, and Hegarty

The alternate story about the Flame Queen’s discovery starts with three men who established the Bald Hill Workings area, expanding on the digging after a previous miner who had started digging there left to serve in World War I.

Those three partners were Jack Phillips, Walter Bradley, and “Irish” Joe Hegarty.

This was right around the “opal rush” of 1914-1915, when an accidental discovery by a 14-year old boy kicked off the establishment of many of the now-famous Australian opal mining fields.

Hegarty finished digging the tunnel, but didn’t find much valuable opal initially. He and Bradley dug a dangerous vertical tunnel, and the risk paid off when Bradley discovered the Flame Queen nobby opal around 35 feet underground.

Bradley had the most gem-cutting expertise, so he cut and polished the rough opal. Once done, his work revealed a red dome with a greenish-blue border.

The men needed money, so they quickly sold the opal to Australian opal dealer Ernie Sherman for £93, the modern-day equivalent of £7,581 or $9,300. Sherman was the same dealer who bought the famous Pride of Australia opal.

Soon after, Sherman sold the Flame Queen to a British opal collector, Kelsey I. Newman.

The Flame Queen was exhibited (as part of Newman’s collection) in 1937 at the Geological Museum of London to honor King George VI’s coronation. The opal remained in Newman’s collection until 1973, when the renowned auction house Christie’s acquired it.

That brings us to the many times the Flame Queen opal was auctioned.

flame queen opal historyImage credit: David Plane

The Flame Queen Opal Price

The record-breaking Flame Queen opal sale happened in 1980, when it was auctioned via Christie’s for $1 million to a private client via David Callaghan; the client was likely Jack Plane. That amount equates to roughly $3.4 million today!

Callaghan was the Chairman of the Gemmological Association of Great Britain at the time, and he convinced Plane to allow them to borrow the Flame Queen to display at Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Jubilee celebration.

The Flame Queen was displayed at the Geological Museum in South Kensington until 1981.

In 2008, Bonham’s held a Natural History auction in Los Angeles, California, USA, offering the "Rare and Renowned Red-on-Black Opal - The Flame Queen” for auction. In the Bonham’s auction, the Flame Queen sold for $120,000.

Various private collectors kept the opal until 2020. In Christie’s Magnificent Jewels auction in New York held in July of that year, the Flame Queen was auctioned as the “Property from the Collection of Gloria Manney.” It sold for $87,500.

Why is the Flame Queen Opal So Expensive?

The Flame Queen opal’s impressive price comes from a few factors. For one, it has historical significance in its early-1900s origin, especially being found around the previously mentioned “opal rush.”

Secondly, the Flame Queen may not be the largest opal ever found, but it’s still quite large.

Lastly, the Flame Queen is beloved for its unique and rare appearance. Besides being a rare black opal, it also has bright red flashes that may appear electric blue under certain types of lighting and a greenish-blue border.

Of course, the Flame Queen opal isn’t the only famous opal in history.

Other Record-Breaking Opals

Grading opal value is complex, so there are many opals that hold significant value for different reasons. Besides the Flame Queen, some of the other record-breaking or otherwise famous opals include:

Virgin Rainbow Opal

virgin rainbow opal

The Virgin Rainbow opal is often cited as the world’s most expensive opal by those who don’t account for inflation adjustments, as it’s valued at $1 million. Its impressive size, color spectrum, and glow-in-the-dark properties have led many to call it the most beautiful opal ever found.

This opal is a precious black crystal opal and technically an opalized fossil — also called a belemnite opal — as it formed in the impression left by a prehistoric marine animal.

Olympic Australis

Olympic Australis The Worlds Most Famous Opal

The Olympic Australis is an uncut white opal often credited as the largest uncut opal in the world at 17,000 carats (7.5 lb or 3.4 kg). It sold for nearly $2.5 million (AUD) in 1997. It’s currently owned by John Altmann and Rudi Cherny, who display it in their showroom in Sydney, Australia.

Speaking of the largest opals…

Halley’s Comet Opal

halley's comet opal

Halley’s Comet opal holds the Guinness World Record for the largest uncut black opal nobby at 1,982.5 carats. It’s also the largest opal nobby ever found at Lightning Ridge. It was discovered when Halley’s Comet was appearing in Australia, hence the name. In 2006, it was available at auction for $1.2 million.

But Halley’s Comet opal isn’t the biggest black opal ever found.

Sea of Opal

sea of opalImage credit: Mckenna Praetorius

The Guinness World Record for the biggest black opal in the world goes to the Sea of Opal, which weighs 11,340.95 carats. The stone features a central blue patch resembling a swimming fish and a green flash reminiscent of seaweed.

In 2015, the Sea of Opal was being offered at auction for $150,000 to $250,000.

Now, what is the rarest opal in the world? Many would say the Eternal Flame opal.

Eternal Flame Opal


Another contender among the largest opals in the world is the Eternal Flame opal, a black crystal opal weighing 568 carats that displays a stunning rainbow color-play.

It’s also considered the rarest opal in the world, as it formed in volcanic soils instead of inland. Most volcanic opals are under 10 carats, making the Eternal Flame’s size that much more impressive.

How much does the eternal flame opal cost? The stone is valued at over $675,000.

Fire of Australia

fire-of-australia-opal-sa-museum1.jpgImage credit: South Australia Museum, Paula McManus

The last famous opal we’ll discuss is one you may confuse for the Flame Queen: the Fire of Australia. The Fire of Australia has been dubbed the “world’s finest uncut opal” by some. It weighs 4,990 carats (about the size of a softball) and is valued at over $675,000. Another notable quality of the opal is its spectrum of color flashes.

The Flame Queen: An Opal of Royal Proportions

Though the most beautiful opal in the world is largely subjective, the Flame Queen is objectively the most valuable. With a unique shape, rare color flashes, and over a century of history, the Flame Queen is certainly worthy of its acclaim.

Find your own beautiful opal today!

火焰皇后世界上最昂贵的蛋白石有很多破纪录的蛋白石,但哪种蛋白石最贵?这一荣誉归于 Flame Queen 蛋白石,它是世界上最昂贵的蛋白石,售价相当于现代的 300 万美元以上。

火焰皇后蛋白石还有几个其他名称 — 它也被称为“火焰皇后”蛋白石和“邓斯坦之石”。




火焰皇后蛋白石是一种未镶嵌的黑色诺比蛋白石,重 261.03 克拉(52.21 克)。宝石的尺寸约为 72 x 58 x 11.5 毫米(2.8 x 2.3 x 0.45 英寸)。




接下来, 黑蛋白石是一种具有深色主体色调的蛋白石,意思是底色或背景色。蛋白石必须落在体色图上的 N1 到 N4 之间才能算作黑蛋白石。


如果您曾经想过:世界上最昂贵的黑蛋白石是什么? Flame Queen 蛋白石也保持着该记录!

最后,“ nobby ”是指一种形状的原石(未切割)蛋白石,几乎只在澳大利亚著名的Lightning Ridge矿区发现。它的特点是自然呈块状,但也有一些变化。一种被称为“女巫帽”或“中国帽”的圆顶形状具有平坦的底部和锥形形状,中心有尖顶。





火焰皇后蛋白石于 1900 年代初期在澳大利亚闪电岭被发现。关于它的发现有两个相互矛盾的故事。一个归功于三个合作伙伴在 1914 年左右发现了它,而另一个归功于查理邓斯坦在 1906 年发现它。

我们将首先介绍 Dunstan 的故事。


根据一些报道,查理·邓斯坦 (Charlie Dunstan) 于 1906 年在澳大利亚闪电岭的 Angledool Diggings 发现了“火皇后”蛋白石,最初将其命名为“邓斯坦之石”。

据称这颗蛋白石重 900 克拉,Dunstan 很快以 100 英镑的价格将其售出,相当于 8,152 英镑或现代的 10,001 美元。不幸的是,邓斯坦很快就被发现死在他的小屋里。

从那时起,蛋白石的所有权发生了几次变化,于 1928 年落入芝加哥博物馆,价值 40,000 英镑(今天为 1,992,684 英镑或 240 万美元)。后来它被重新命名为“火皇后”蛋白石,尽管今天它仍被称为“火焰皇后”。

美国商业巨头 JD 洛克菲勒在 1940 年代以 75,000 英镑的价格买下了这颗蛋白石,这意味着蛋白石以创纪录的 3,620,700 美元而闻名。


关于 Flame Queen 发现的另一个故事始于建立 Bald Hill Workings 区域的三个人,在开始在那里挖掘的前一位矿工离开去参加第一次世界大战后,他们扩大了挖掘范围。


这恰好发生在 1914 年至 1915 年的“蛋白石热”时期,当时一名 14 岁男孩的意外发现开启了许多如今著名的澳大利亚蛋白石矿区的建立。

赫加蒂挖完了隧道,但最初并没有发现多少有价值的蛋白石。他和布拉德利挖了一条危险的垂直隧道,当布拉德利在地下 35 英尺处发现火焰女王诺比蛋白石时,风险得到了回报。

布拉德利 (Bradley) 拥有最丰富的宝石切割专业知识,因此他对蛋白石原石进行了切割和抛光。完成后,他的作品显示出一个带有蓝绿色边框的红色圆顶。

这些人需要钱,所以他们很快以 93 英镑的价格将蛋白石卖给了澳大利亚蛋白石经销商 Ernie Sherman,相当于现代的 7,581 英镑或 9,300 美元。谢尔曼 (Sherman) 就是购买著名的澳大利亚骄傲蛋白石的经销商。

不久之后,谢尔曼将火焰皇后卖给了英国蛋白石收藏家凯尔西·纽曼 (Kelsey I. Newman)。

火焰女王于 1937 年在伦敦地质博物馆展出(作为纽曼收藏的一部分),以纪念乔治六世国王的加冕礼。这颗蛋白石一直是纽曼的收藏品,直到 1973 年,著名的拍卖行佳士得收购了它。

这让我们想起了多次拍卖 Flame Queen 蛋白石。

火焰皇后蛋白石历史图片来源:David Plane


破纪录的 Flame Queen 蛋白石拍卖发生在 1980 年,当时它通过佳士得拍卖行以 100 万美元的价格被大卫·卡拉汉 (David Callaghan) 的一位私人客户拍卖;客户很可能是 Jack Plane。这个数额相当于今天大约340 万美元


直到 1981 年,火焰女王一直在南肯辛顿的地质博物馆展出。

2008 年,邦瀚斯在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举办了一场自然历史拍卖会,拍卖“稀有且著名的黑底红蛋白石——火焰皇后”。在邦瀚斯拍卖会上,火焰皇后以 120,000 美元的价格成交。

各种私人收藏家一直将蛋白石保存到 2020 年。在当年 7 月于纽约举行的佳士得瑰丽珠宝拍卖会上,火焰女王作为“格洛丽亚·曼尼 (Gloria Manney) 的收藏品”被拍卖。它以 87,500 美元的价格售出。


火焰皇后蛋白石令人印象深刻的价格来自几个因素。一方面,它在 1900 年代初期的起源具有历史意义,尤其是在前面提到的“蛋白石热潮”周围被发现。





蛋白石价值进行分级很复杂,因此有许多蛋白石因不同原因而具有重要价值。除了 Flame Queen 之外,其他一些破纪录或著名的蛋白石包括:



维珍彩虹蛋白石经常被那些不考虑通货膨胀调整的人称为世界上最昂贵的蛋白石,因为它的价值为 100 万美元。其令人印象深刻的尺寸、色谱和在黑暗中发光的特性使许多人称其为有史以来最美丽的蛋白石。



Olympic Australis 世界上最著名的蛋白石

Olympic Australis 是一种未切割的白色蛋白石,通常被认为是世界上最大的未切割蛋白石,重 17,000 克拉(7.5 磅或 3.4 千克)。它于 1997 年以近 250 万美元 (AUD) 的价格售出。它目前由 John Altmann 和 Rudi Cherny 拥有,他们在澳大利亚悉尼的陈列室里展示它。




哈雷彗星蛋白石保持着 1,982.5 克拉的最大未切割黑色蛋白石诺比的吉尼斯世界纪录。它也是 Lightning Ridge 有史以来发现的最大的蛋白石 nobby。它是在哈雷彗星出现在澳大利亚时被发现的,因此得名。 2006 年,它以 120 万美元的价格拍卖。



蛋白石海图片来源:Mckenna Praetorius

重达 11,340.95 克拉的蛋白石海创造了世界上最大的黑蛋白石的吉尼斯世界纪录。这块石头的中央有一块蓝色斑块,像一条游动的鱼,还有一道让人联想到海藻的绿色闪光。

2015 年,蛋白石海以 15 万至 25 万美元的价格拍卖。




世界上最大的蛋白石中的另一个竞争者是永恒火焰蛋白石,这是一种重 568 克拉的黑色水晶蛋白石,呈现出令人惊叹的彩虹色彩。

它也被认为是世界上最稀有的蛋白石,因为它形成于火山土壤而非内陆。大多数火山蛋白石都在 10 克拉以下,这使得 Eternal Flame 的尺寸更加令人印象深刻。

永恒之火蛋白石的价格是多少?这块石头价值超过 675,000 美元。


火的澳大利亚蛋白石 sa-museum1.jpg图片来源:南澳大利亚博物馆,Paula McManus

我们将讨论的最后一种著名蛋白石可能会与火焰女王混淆:澳大利亚之火。澳大利亚之火被一些人称为“世界上最好的未切割蛋白石”。它重 4,990 克拉(大约相当于一个垒球的大小),价值超过 675,000 美元。蛋白石的另一个显着品质是它的闪光光谱。




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