How do I make a payment?
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All Verified Sellers accept one or more of these payment methods:

  • GemPay

  • Credit Card

  • PayPal Account

  • Escrow

Sellers require payment within 3 days of an auction being won or a Make An offer item being accepted. If you require more time please communicate with the seller directly. The payment methods accepted by each seller are shown on the item page and also when an item has been added to the cart.


GemPay is our preferred payment method. It is easy, fast, secure and transparent. Click here to learn more.

Credit Card payments

If the seller accepts credit card payment you will see the Visa, Mastercard and Amex symbols on the cart page. If the credit card icons are not available you are still able to securely pay with your Credit Card through PayPal WITHOUT having a PayPal account. To pay with your credit card select the PayPal option and then select pay with credit card.

PayPal Account payments

Most of our Verified Sellers accept PayPal Account payments.

Escrow.com payments

If the seller accepts Escrow you will see the Escrow.com logo on the cart page. 

Escrow allows you to transfer funds into a trust account (Escrow) instead of paying the seller directly.

To learn about Escrow, read our Escrow Payments page here.

How do I make a payment?

By using our inbuilt Checkout, you will have an opportunity to select your shipping provider, add postal insurance (optional), and automatically add tax (where applicable).

  1. In the top navigation, click on the shopping cart icon

  2. You will be presented with a list of all sellers whom are awaiting payments from you. It will show items that you have committed to buy via an auction or Make An Offer. It will also show items you have not committed to buy but have just added to the cart. These items can be removed from the cart at any time.

We use a 100% secure, PCI certified payment processor to facilitate payments and store your card details for future use (if you ask our website to remember your card).

Please check with your issuing credit card company whether you will be subject to international purchase fees when making cross-border payments to overseas based sellers.


  • 信用卡

  • 贝宝账户

  • 第三方托管

卖家要求在赢得拍卖或接受要约商品后 3 天内付款。如果您需要更多时间,请直接与卖家沟通。每个卖家接受的付款方式都会显示在商品页面上以及商品添加到购物车时。


如果卖家接受信用卡付款,您将在购物车页面上看到 Visa、Mastercard 和 Amex 符号。如果信用卡图标不可用,您仍然可以通过 Paypal 使用信用卡安全付款,而无需拥有 PayPal 帐户。要使用信用卡付款,请选择 Paypal 选项,然后选择使用信用卡付款。


我们大多数经过验证的卖家都接受 PayPal 账户付款。

Escrow.com 付款

如果卖家接受 Escrow,您将在购物车页面上看到 Escrow.com 徽标。

Escrow 允许您将资金转入信托账户(Escrow),而不是直接向卖家付款。



通过使用我们内置的Checkout ,您将有机会选择您的运输提供商,添加邮政保险(可选),并自动添加税款(如果适用)。

  1. 在顶部导航中,单击购物车图标

  2. 您将看到正在等待您付款的所有卖家的列表。它将显示您承诺通过拍卖或出价购买的物品。它还将显示您尚未承诺购买但刚刚添加到购物车的商品。这些物品可以随时从购物车中取出。

我们使用 100% 安全、经 PCI 认证的支付处理器来促进支付并存储您的卡详细信息以供将来使用(如果您要求我们的网站记住您的卡)。


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