Opal Gemstones: History, Symbolism, Meanings & More
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opal gemstoneIf you’re interested in opals, you’re in for an exciting ride. Opal is a versatile jewel with a complex history that spans across the globe. Actually, beyond the globe, since opal was discovered on Mars in 2015!

Nobody on earth holds opal in greater esteem than Australians. As the world’s number-one supplier, Australia takes great pride in their opals, even naming it their national gemstone in 1993.

Beyond Australia, opal holds many honors. The stone is the official gem for 14th wedding anniversaries and the traditional birthstone for October! More into the zodiac calendar? If you’re a Libra, opal is your lucky zodiac stone!

Want to learn more? In this guide, we’ll answer all your questions about opals, from the scientific to the symbolic.

Before we jump in, let’s lay some groundwork.

What is Opal?

Opal is a mineraloid composed of silica and water. Most opals you’ll come across are 6-10% water. Stable opals can have as low as 3% water content and as high as 21%.

Under a microscope, opal contains stacks of hydrated silica spheres aligned together like a Buckyball cube. The spheres of a precious opal are uniform in size and pattern, while common opal spheres vary in size and don’t align in a structured pattern. 

The consistent spacing among precious opal’s spheres allow light to diffract, creating its signature play-of-color. Common opals, by definition, don’t show play-of-color but do show opalescence. Opalescence is an optical phenomenon where the stone’s shine seems to glow from within, rather than on the surface.

Opal hardness ranks between a 5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, similar to stones like turquoise and moonstone.

Read on for the full list of opal’s mineral characteristics!

coober pedy crystal opal


  • Color: Colorless, white, black, yellow, orange, red, pink, green, blue, pink, brown

  • Crystal structure: Amorphous

  • Hardness: 5-6.5

  • Luster: Subvitreous (somewhat glass-like) to dull

  • Transparency: Transparent to opaque

  • Refractive index: 1.37-1.47

  • Density: 1.9-2.3

  • Cleavage: None 

  • Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven

  • Luminescence: Sometimes phosphorescence; Fluorescence (Yellow-green in short UV, white or light blue in long UV)

Enough with the science, let’s get into opal’s fascinating history!

Opal History & Symbolism

Based on available evidence, opal history began in the Bronze Age, inside a Kenyan cave around 4000 B.C. Here is where archeologist Louis Leakey discovered the earliest known opal remnants in 1938.

Throughout time, different societies have had their own opal discoveries. Ancient Greeks and Romans adored opal; they called it opallios, meaning “to see a change in color.”

As time passed, nobles began wearing opal as well. 

In the Middle Ages, an opal graced the center of the Roman Emperor’s crown, referred to as “the Orphanus” for its enchanting mystery. England’s Queen Victoria I loved opals, often collecting and gifting opal jewelry.

However, opal history was temporarily stained by superstition. Starting in the 1830s, people believed opals were bad luck, and even worse? Heralds of death.

The most likely source of opal’s bad rep was Sir Walter Scott. In his 1829 novel Anne of Geierstein, a suspicious woman’s opal hair clasp loses its color when touched by holy water, followed shortly after by her death.

Scott’s novel wrecked the opal market, causing sales to decrease by 50% and stay there for decades.

That’s when Tullie Cornthwaite Wollaston came in. 

Wollaston heard about Australian opal discoveries in 1888 and jumped at the opportunity. Taking parcels to London, Wollaston was met with suspicion, save for diamond-tycoon De Beers. 

Slowly but surely, Wollaston introduced Americans and Europeans to black opals. When Percy Marks created an award-winning jewellery collection from Australian black opals in 1908, opal popularity shot back up to its rightful spot. 

sterling silver opal doublet ring

Opal Symbolism

While opal symbolized bad luck and misfortune for a time, that period was a blip in opal’s symbolic timeline. Before the 19th century myths, many societies saw opal as a good luck charm. China, for instance, has always believed in the lucky powers of opal.

Opal symbolism also went beyond everyday luck and into mystical territory. 

Beliefs about opal’s vision-related powers spread in ancient times. Some believed opals could cure eye diseases, while others claimed carrying an opal wrapped in a bay leaf could turn you invisible.

Think invisibility is wild? How about astral projection?

Expanding on opal’s magical abilities, the stone was purported to connect one’s physical body to the spiritual dimension. In this way, opal served as a conduit for out-of-body experiences. Black opal even gained a reputation as a powerful tool for magicians.

Other cultures associated opal with their respective deities, viewing the stone as a celestial gift. Ancient Arab legends say opals came from heaven through lightning, while Peruvians saw opals as a gift from Pachamama, the Inca goddess of fertility.

In modern times, spiritual practitioners use opal for accessing psychic abilities. Opal is generally seen as a healing stone that symbolizes inspiration, confidence, and emotional healing.

If you’re itching to try opal’s spiritual benefits, follow along to learn what makes a good-quality opal gemstone before you buy your own! 

Quality and Buying Factors

Determining an opal’s value is tricky, as each stone can greatly differ from the next. A full opal quality evaluation requires an expert eye. However, there are still plenty of clues for everyday buyers to look for when choosing an opal gemstone.


We’ll go more in-depth about opal color in a bit, so we’ll give you some general tips for figuring out an opal’s quality by its color.

The first step is looking for play-of-color. Since precious opals are rarer than common opals, play-of-color means higher value. Of course, play-of-color can range from a few spots on the surface to an entirely rainbow-covered stone like boulder opal. The best play-of-color covers most of the surface and shows a variety of saturated colors. 

For common opals, the rarity of the color typically determines the value. White opals are the most common, followed closely by gray and green body tones. The rarest colors are black opal and red opal. 


Gemstone clarity means how many inclusions are present and how visible the inclusions are.  Note that not all inclusions lower the stone’s value, as many opals get their body tone from substances intermingling during formation. 

The inclusions that affect an opal’s clarity grade are host rocks or fractures. When opals attach to other stones during formation, like in matrix opal or yowah nuts, its value usually decreases. Crazing, fractures, and cracks all make an opal less durable. 

Transparency can also affect clarity, as transparent opals are very rare and command higher prices, but it depends on the variety. For example, black opal has higher value when the stone is opaque. In general, cloudy body tones indicate lower quality. 


Unlike color and clarity, an opal’s cut is chosen by a lapidarist instead of Mother Nature. The highest-quality cuts come from experienced cutters who know how to bring out the opal’s color or color-play effectively.

Custom cuts are of higher value, as they’re only used on high-quality opals and require more craftsmanship. The more abundant varieties, like common opals, often become standard cabochons.

Whether the cut is custom or standard, try to look for thicker, symmetrical cuts. 

Carat Weight

Since rough opals come in a wide range of sizes, carat weight plays a much smaller role in opal quality. If two opals are identical by all other quality measures (which isn’t common), the stone with a higher carat weight will be more valuable.

We’ve mentioned the array of opals out there, so let’s get into more detail about the best opal varieties. 

Types of Opals

Seeing all the different types of opals to choose from might be overwhelming. To make it easier, we’ll lay out the key opal varieties to know about.

white opal

White Opal

White opal, or light opal, can come in common or precious varieties. The lighter background means the stone’s play-of-color isn’t as saturated. Numerous locations produce white opal, but South Australia is the most famous locale.

black opalBlack Opal

Black opals are the most coveted opal variety. Common black opal exists but doesn’t carry the same value of precious black opal. Against the dark background, color play is vivid. Lightning Ridge, Australia, and Honduras are known for their black opals.

Crystal Opal

Crystal opal can describe any type of opal that’s transparent, be it light or dark body tones. Australia and Ethiopia are the most abundant sources.

Fire Opal

Fire opals can technically come from all over, but the official one is the Mexican fire opal. These opals come in common and precious varieties and show saturated, warm body tones. 

boulder opal polished

Boulder Opal

Boulder opal refers to precious opal that’s still attached to a host rock, with the opal within or on top. The rock serves as a natural backing, and when the rock is dark, the play-of-color appears brighter. Nearly all boulder opal is mined in Queensland, Australia.

Matrix Opal

Similar to boulder opal, matrix opal refers to precious opal that’s interwoven with its host rock. The host rocks are usually sedimentary, where the silica-water disperses throughout the rock’s crevices before solidifying. 

Some host rocks are igneous, where the silica-water often replaces mineral grains. Sedimentary matrix opal comes from Andamooka, Australia, while igneous matrix opal is mostly found in Honduras.

Not all opals are created by nature, however. 

What about Synthetic Opals?

Synthetic opals are man-made opals composed of microscopic silica spheres, typically hydrated silica but not always. Synthetic opals may contain resin, while resin-free synthetic opals are called “created opals.”

Scientists started creating synthetic opals in the 1970s and have developed various methods since. Two popular types of synthetic opals are Monarch Opal and Bello Opal. 

One important distinction: synthetic opal is not the same as imitation opal. Synthetic opal requires the same chemical structure and refractive index as natural opal, while imitation opals are made of other materials like resin or plastic.

Opal Colors

Opal colors range between solid neutrals like black and white to multi-colored rainbow tones. Few opals display just one color, however. 

Precious opals, by definition, reflect different colors at different angles. Even common opals, which don’t have play-of-color, often have colored inclusions or patterns, like the dark branches in dendritic opal

The main causes of different play-of-color hues are the size and uniformity of the stones’ microscopic spheres, plus the angle you view the stone from.

An opal’s body tone, or background color, plays a role in the other colors visible on its surface. White is the most common opal color, while black and red are the rarest.

Here are the most popular opal colors and their corresponding surface colors:

  • White: White or cream-colored body tone; Reflects pastel colors.

  • Black: Black or dark-colored body tone; Typically reflects bright greens and blues.

  • Pink: Rose, salmon, or ballet pink body tone; Sometimes has dark orange or black speckling.

  • Blue: Bluish-gray, cyan, or midnight blue body tone; Often has streaks of orange or earth tones.

  • Fire: Bright red, orange, or yellow body tone; Precious variety typically reflects neon shades of green and purple.

So, how much will each of these opal varieties cost you?

faceted mexican fire opal

Opal Value

As you know, lots of factors go into valuing an opal. When determining price, color is the first key factor, followed by the presence of play-of-color. 

The price per carat for opal varies as much as opals themselves. Lower quality stones can be around $10 per carat, while the higher-quality opals can run $6,000 or more per carat.

Precious black opals command higher prices for their rarity and bright play-of-color, reaching $10,000 per carat or more. Common opals are much more affordable, starting at $10 per carat and increasing based on color intensity, transparency, and brilliance.

Regardless of price, knowing how to clean opal is essential to keeping it colorful and intact.

Cleaning & Caring for your Opal

For most opals, you can clean the stone with a soft brush and warm, soapy water. Hot water, soaps, and oils won’t harm your opal unless it’s a doublet or triplet. Doublets and triplets should be cleaned with a soft cloth. 

Opal can sometimes darken if you heat it, so keep it away from open flames or excessive heat to preserve the color and longevity. 

Certain varieties have their own care guidelines. Matrix opal is porous and shouldn’t be soaked in anything for long. Virgin Valley opal, on the other hand, should be soaked in water to prevent crazing. 

Discover the Opal for You!

And that’s it! With all the juicy facts and tidbits in this guide, you’re ready to impress anyone with your extensive opal knowledge. Plus, you have the tools to buy with confidence once you’ve chosen your favorite opal. Happy shopping!

Shop for Opals from Opal Auctions today!

蛋白石寶石如果您對蛋白石感興趣,那麼您將踏上一段激動人心的旅程。蛋白石是一種用途廣泛的寶石,其複雜的歷史橫跨全球。實際上,在地球之外,自從 2015 年在火星上發現蛋白石以來!

地球上沒有人比澳大利亞人更尊重蛋白石。作為世界第一大供應商,澳大利亞為其蛋白石感到自豪,甚至在 1993 年將其命名為國家寶石。

在澳大利亞之外,蛋白石擁有許多榮譽。這顆石頭是 14 週年結婚紀念日的官方寶石,也是 10 月的傳統生日石!更多的進入生肖日曆?如果你是天秤座,蛋白石是你的幸運石!




蛋白石是一種由二氧化矽和水組成的礦物。您會遇到的大多數蛋白石都含有 6-10% 的水。穩定的蛋白石含水量可低至 3%,高達 21%。

在顯微鏡下,蛋白石包含堆疊在一起的水合二氧化矽球體,就像巴基球立方體一樣。 珍貴蛋白石的球體在大小和圖案上是一致的,而普通蛋白石球體的大小各不相同,並且不會以結構化的圖案排列。


在礦物硬度的莫氏硬度表上,蛋白石的硬度介於 5 到 6.5 之間,類似於綠松石和月光石等寶石。




  • 顏色:無色、白色、黑色、黃色、橙色、紅色、粉色、綠色、藍色、粉色、棕色

  • 晶體結構:無定形

  • 硬度:5-6.5

  • 光澤:玻璃下(有點玻璃狀)至暗淡

  • 透明度:透明到不透明

  • 折射率:1.37-1.47

  • 密度:1.9-2.3

  • 乳溝:無

  • 斷口:貝殼狀至不均勻

  • 發光:有時磷光;熒光(短紫外線中的黃綠色,長紫外線中的白色或淺藍色)



根據現有證據,蛋白石的歷史始於公元前 4000 年左右的一個肯尼亞洞穴內的青銅時代。考古學家路易斯·利基 (Louis Leakey) 於 1938 年在這裡發現了已知最早的蛋白石遺跡。

隨著時間的推移,不同的社會都有自己的蛋白石發現。古希臘人和羅馬人崇拜蛋白石;他們稱之為opallio ,意思是“看到顏色的變化”。



然而,蛋白石的歷史暫時被迷信所玷污。從 1830 年代開始,人們認為蛋白石是厄運,甚至更糟?死亡的使者。

蛋白石的壞名聲最有可能的來源是沃爾特斯科特爵士。在他 1829 年的小說《蓋爾斯坦的安妮》中,一位可疑女子的蛋白石髮夾在被聖水接觸後會失去顏色,不久之後她就去世了。

斯科特的小說破壞了蛋白石市場,導致銷售額下降了 50% 並保持了幾十年的水平。


沃拉斯頓在 1888 年聽說了澳大利亞蛋白石的發現,並抓住了這個機會。除了鑽石大亨戴比爾斯外,沃拉斯頓在將包裹運往倫敦時遭到了懷疑。

沃拉斯頓緩慢但肯定地向美國人和歐洲人介紹了黑蛋白石。 1908 年,珀西·馬克斯 (Percy Marks) 用澳大利亞黑蛋白石創作了一個屢獲殊榮的珠寶系列,蛋白石的人氣又回升到了應有的地位。



雖然蛋白石在一段時間內象徵著厄運和不幸,但那個時期是蛋白石像徵性時間線中的一個曇花一現。在 19 世紀的神話出現之前,許多社會都將蛋白石視為吉祥物。例如,中國一直相信蛋白石的幸運力量。





其他文化將蛋白石與其各自的神靈聯繫在一起,將其視為天賜的禮物。古老的阿拉伯傳說說,蛋白石是通過閃電從天堂而來,而秘魯人則將蛋白石視為印加生育女神帕查瑪瑪 (Pachamama) 的禮物。











影響蛋白石淨度等級的內含物是母岩或裂縫。當蛋白石在形成過程中附著在其他石頭上時,如基質蛋白石或 yowah 堅果,其價值通常會降低。 裂紋、斷裂和裂縫都會使蛋白石的耐用性降低。














黑蛋白石是最令人垂涎的蛋白石品種。常見的黑蛋白石存在但不具有與珍貴的黑蛋白石相同的價值。在黑暗的背景下,色彩表現生動。 Lightning Ridge、澳大利亞和洪都拉斯以其黑蛋白石而聞名。














科學家們在 1970 年代開始製造合成蛋白石,此後開發了各種方法。兩種流行的合成蛋白石是帝王蛋白石和貝洛蛋白石。








  • 白色:白色或奶油色的身體色調;反映柔和的色彩。

  • 黑色:黑色或深色體色調;通常反射明亮的綠色和藍色。

  • 粉紅色:玫瑰、鮭魚或芭蕾粉紅色的身體色調;有時有深橙色或黑色斑點。

  • 藍色:藍灰色、青色或午夜藍色的身體色調;通常有橙色或大地色調的條紋。

  • 火:明亮的紅色、橙色或黃色的身體色調;珍貴的品種通常反映綠色和紫色的霓虹色調。





蛋白石的每克拉價格與蛋白石本身的價格相差無幾。質量較低的寶石每克拉約 10 美元,而質量較高的蛋白石每克拉可達 6,000 美元或更多。

珍貴的黑蛋白石因其稀有和明亮的遊彩而獲得更高的價格,達到每克拉 10,000 美元或更多。普通蛋白石的價格要便宜得多,起價為每克拉 10 美元,並根據顏色強度、透明度和亮度增加。








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