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Current Bid
28/11/2019 12:43 pm

European style opal cameo OPJ 2529

Dimensions (mm)
18.000 x 13.000 x 2.000mm
Weight (cts)

This is a solid  natural opal crystal
hand carved  traditional design
and mounted on black glass.
Great as a pendant or brooch.
High luster on the carving.
The weight includes the opal and backing together.

Shipping provider Shipping to Australia Shipping to rest of world
FedEx $12.00 / 3 days $39.00 / 10 days
FedEx is discounted to $12.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Rest of the world
FedEx is discounted to $39.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Registered Shipping $9.00 / 7 days $16.00 / 21 days
Registered Shipping is discounted to $9.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Rest of the world
Registered Shipping is discounted to $16.00 on orders with 2 or more items

queen of gems
queen of gems
Queen Of Gems emerged onto the scene in the year 2000, as an internet-based haven of opal knowledge. Its journey began with a passion for opals at its core. Most of the opals featured by Queen Of Gems are Boulder Opals, accompanied by some Crystal Opals sourced from a retired miner. A remarkable aspect of the collection is that many of these opulent treasures have gracefully weathered over two decades, retaining their timeless allure. Queen Of Gems stands as a testament to its dedication to sharing the captivating world of opals with enthusiasts, offering a curated selection of these iridescent gems for all to enjoy.
Broadbeach, Australia
7380 Feedback

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
4 years ago

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Shipping Details

$16.00 21 days via Registered Shipping
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Payment Options

  • paypal
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 822496
Starting Bid : $99
Starts : 22nd November 2019 12:33 pm AEST
Ends : 29th November 2019 06:43 am AEST
* All prices are in USD