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Current Bid
21/07/2021 06:21 am

Boulder Opal wood fossil AOH-194 - australianopalhunter

Dimensions (mm)
25.500 x 20.200 x 8.100mm
Weight (cts)

Australian Opal Hunter - The Hunt Is On!!

Bringing you quality stones at competitive prices. Why buy retail when you can get the stone at wholesale price. Photos are taken under a mix of 3000k and 8000k LED lights. This combination is as close we can get to natural outdoor sunlight.


Stone : Boulder Opal 

Outback Queensland Australia

wood fossil

Cut and Polished.

This beauty is ready to be set in jewellery.

Boulder opal is a rock that contains thin seams and patches of opal surrounded by or attached to its natural host rock. The cutter studies this rock and decides how to cut the best possible gem. That gem might be cut to display seams and patches of precious opal as they appear within their natural host rock.

Member of the "Australian Boulder Opal Association Inc."

100% Customer Satisfaction

Happy Bidding.

Shipping provider Shipping to Australia Shipping to rest of world
Standard Shipping - Tracked $15.00 / 7 days $20.00 / 15 days
Standard Shipping - Tracked is discounted to $15.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Rest of the world
Standard Shipping - Tracked is discounted to $25.00 on orders with 2 or more items
FedEx $25.00 / 3 days $35.00 / 5 days
FedEx is discounted to $25.00 on orders with 2 or more items
Rest of the world
FedEx is discounted to $35.00 on orders with 2 or more items

Sourcing from local Australian Opal miners directly and bringing them to you. No middle man. Specializing in all Boulder Fields. Member of the "Australian Boulder Opal Association Inc." under Down Under Opals and Gems
Mermaid, Australia
716 Feedback

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
2 years ago

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Shipping Details

$20.00 15 days via Standard Shipping - Tracked
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  • stripe


Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 1061227
Starting Bid : $150
Starts : 21st July 2021 05:50 am AEST
Ends : 21st July 2021 11:21 pm AEST
* All prices are in USD