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Current Bid
20/08/2022 08:01 pm


Dimensions (mm)
51.000 x 31.000 x 19.000mm
Weight (cts)

This field is known for its precious opal embedded in rich ironstone which takes a great polish and magical patterns.This rough is how we bought it from the miner and it has been broken up in the mining process from the Firey comet claim in  Koroit.. Most of the specimens are like a onion as you have to peel away the layers to get to the colour. The precious opal forms on the bottom of the rock and the general rule is if you askyour self  should i rub down further just stop!!!! This opal  field is 2 hours away from the yowah opal field.
We have taken the photo with the stone wet.
All untouched rough is a gamble andf you are welcome to return for refund if not rubbed in any way.If you do rub it down and you arent happy let us know and we will add a bonus in your next order.-happy cutting!

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seda rough opals
seda rough opals
Welcome to Seda Rough Opals, your gateway to the captivating world of opals. Founded by Paul Sedawie, whose lifelong love affair with opals began at the tender age of 14, we are passionate about bringing you the finest rough opals straight from the source. With over 30 years of experience in the opal industry, Paul and his sons have cultivated relationships with miners worldwide to ensure that every opal in our collection is of the highest quality. From Lightning Ridge to international gem shows, our opals are hand-selected with care and expertise. Whether you're a seasoned opal enthusiast or a novice collector, Seda Rough Opals offers a diverse range of rough stones to suit every taste and budget. Each opal is a natural work of art, waiting to be transformed into a stunning piece of jewelry or cherished as a unique addition to your collection. Join us on a journey of discovery as you explore the raw beauty of opals at Seda Rough Opals. Let us share with you the wonder and excitement of uncovering these precious gemstones, straight from the earth to your hands. Welcome to Seda Rough Opals, where the adventure begins.
Lightning Ridge, Australia
15521 Feedback

Bids History (1)
Purchased from this seller previously
1 year ago

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$16.00 21 days via Registered Shipping
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Listing Type : Standard
Product ID : 918155
Estimated RRP : $180.00
Starting Bid : $46
Starts : 19th August 2022 09:08 am AEST
Ends : 21st August 2022 01:01 pm AEST
* All prices are in USD