Mezezo Opal Stones
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Buy Mezezo Ethiopian Opal Stones
Mezezo Ethiopian Opal Stones direct from the mines of Africa. In the early 1990’s a new type of Opal surfaced in Mezezo Ethiopia Africa and it is stunning. We offer all shapes and sizes of Mezezo Ethiopian Opal Stones for sale. Mezzo opal or Ethiopian chocolate opal .the minerals that were formed natural in this opal left this chocolate colour and  silica impregnated has set to display brilliant fire flashes colour in this opal. This chocolate opal was different from Wegel Tena, in volcanic rocks of Ethiopia’s Wollo Province or  close by they found orange red opals but in small qautities. , Only very small amount of rough showed any colours so it was difficult to mine ,and other opal fields like wello started and miners left this area to mine is easier opal areas. These opal mines are mostly men digging with pick n shovel and some areas are on Side Mountains and can be dangerous to mine. Some chocolate opal did have crazing problem also and hard to determine in the rough if it was stable or not a s rough opal buyers would buy parcel and leave it out in cold weather and bring inside in warm and if any cracks appeared it would happen than. Only after fracture testing would they cut these Ethiopian opals They are not considered black opals and body tone of n3 to n2 would cover most Mezzo opals