About Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral
O Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral
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Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral was founded in 2015 with the opening of Red October Mine in western Lake County, Oregon. We opened with the intent to provide a high quality, responsibly sourced, environmentally conscious option to the colored gemstone market. The American Fire Opal mined by Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral is unlike any other opal from this region. Where most of the large scale operations, have gone to large swath, pit-style mines for ease of access, we have opted for a different approach. Utilizing low-impact hand tools, zero use of heavy equipment and a strict “no fuel outside of the truck” policy we have managed to set a new standard for material extraction in our area. This small scale outfit has allowed us access to what was once overlooked material deemed ‘too difficult’ to be worth extracting. We have found that it is this material that retains the fire that this opal has become known for, better than any other opal from this region, and does not fade over time like other, more easily mined material will. 

Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral

Opalites are common throughout the world, but true, vibrant fire opal comes from only a few mines globally. The opal extracted from our location in Southern Oregon is of the highest quality in the United States. With deep fiery colors ranging from brilliant honey yellows to deep burnt red oranges, our stones stand alone. There are many dealers that sell fire opal from our region but none that sell our opal, specifically. Typically the opal harvested from southern Oregon is clear for a short while after extraction which makes for a great sale, but over time these stones begin to lose their luster and can eventually become completely clouded. This is not the case with Juniper Mountain Fire Opal. Only Juniper Mountain Fire Opal retains its fire and luster after cutting and polishing, the same cannot be said for other materials.

American Fire Opal is a simple stone. Silica, water, a touch of iron for color, immense amounts of time and pressure and a beautiful stone is born. Fire opal can form in many places but only the best comes from the tightest cracks and fissure of the hardest surrounding, host-stone. When Fire Opal forms in mud fields it will become cloudy and dull over time, where as an opal that has the luxury of being born in the deep, dark cracks of the local basaltic andesite retains its clarity and fire for the life of the stone. Miners in the past have overlooked this geologic information and gone straight to the easy material for obvious financial reasons. We look to change this way of thinking.

By removing only the best stone we can guarantee that the gemstones introduced to the market by Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral are only of the highest quality and that there will never be a question as to their quality and overall beauty. Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral does not sell bulk rough to cutting houses for this exact reason. If we put our rough material in to the market there is no way to guarantee what the retail customer is receiving, but when a stone is purchased form Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral, directly, our customers can be certain that the product they are receiving comes straight from the source and is of the highest quality material available. This practice insures that all of Juniper Mountain Gem and Minerals sales can be guaranteed, and that each of our customers leaves pleased with their purchase.

This Top Tier, Fair Trade approach is the way of the future and helps prevent the egregious manipulation of the gemstone market and its workers. For too long the mine owner and their employees have been at the mercy of greed and a total disregard for human rights and the well-being of the laborers involved. We aim to see this cease. By strictly controlling the material and only selling finished materials we can be sure that fair trade practices have been up-held through the entire process, from rough to finished jewelry. It is highly uncommon in the current state of this industry to find stones that can be traced through their entire process prior to their retail sale. All of the gemstones sold by Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral are mined in a safe, healthy working environment by certified, seasoned miners with the utmost respect for the environment being of paramount concern.

Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral

Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral may be new to the colored gemstone industry but it is that fresh approach that will be the beginning of a new, refreshed mining industry. Soon the days of exploitation of laborers will be a thing of the past. Fair wages and healthy working conditions will be the standard, and each and every gemstone sold at that point can be worn with true pride and an elite level of confidence in a fairly procured product. The world is changing in every facet and it is up to the new generations to steer the world in a way that benefits all mankind. We appreciate our opportunity to contribute to these changes for a brighter, more beautiful world.

Visit Juniper Mountain Gem and Mineral store 

Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral osnovana je 2015. s otvaranjem crvenog listopada Mine u zapadnom Lake County, Oregon. Otvorili smo se s namjerom da pružimo kvalitetnu, odgovorno nabavljenu, ekološki svjesnu opciju na tržištu obojenog dijamanta. Američki požar opal miniran od Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral je za razliku od bilo kojeg drugog opala iz ove regije. Gdje je većina operacija velikih razmjera, otišla u velike rudnike, jamske rudnike za lakši pristup, odlučili smo se za drugačiji pristup. Koristeći ručne alate s niskim utjecajem, nula upotreba teške opreme i stroge politike "bez goriva izvan kamiona" uspjeli smo postaviti novi standard za vađenje materijala na našem području. Ova mala oprema nam je omogućila pristup onome što je nekoć previdjeli materijal koji se smatra "previše teškim" da bi bilo vrijedno izdvajati. Otkrili smo da je ovaj materijal koji zadržava vatru da je ovaj opal postao poznat, bolje od bilo kojeg drugog opala iz ovog kraja, i ne blijedi tijekom vremena kao druga, jednostavnija minirana materijalna volja.

Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral

Opaliti su uobičajeni diljem svijeta, ali istinski, živahni vatreni opal dolazi iz samo nekoliko rudnika na globalnoj razini. Opal izvađen iz naše lokacije u Južnom Oregonu je najviše kvalitete u Sjedinjenim Državama. S dubokim vatrenim bojama od sjajnih žutih meda do dubokih crvenih crvenih naranči, naši kamenovi su sami. Postoje mnogi trgovci koji prodaju opale od našeg područja, ali nitko ne prodaje naš opal, posebno. Obično opal koji se dobiva iz južnog Oregona jasno je kratko nakon ekstrakcije što čini veliku prodaju, ali s vremenom ta kamena počinje gubiti sjaj i na kraju može postati potpuno zamagljena. To nije slučaj s Juniper Mountain Fire Opalom. Samo brdo Juniper Mountain Opal zadržava vatru i sjaj nakon rezanja i poliranja, isto se ne može reći i za ostale materijale.

Američki požar Opal je jednostavan kamen. Silicija, voda, dodir željeza za boju, ogromne količine vremena i pritiska i lijep kamen se rađa. Vatrostalni opal može se formirati na mnogim mjestima, ali samo najbolje dolazi od najžešćih pukotina i pukotina najdubljih okolnih, domaćinskih kamena. Kada se Vatrostalni Opal stvara u polju blata, postaje mutan i mutan tijekom vremena, gdje kao opal koji ima raskoš rođenja u dubokim tamnim pukotinama lokalne bazaltne andezije zadržava svoju jasnoću i požar za život kamena. Rudari u prošlosti nisu zaboravili ove geološke podatke i otišli ravno na jednostavan materijal iz očitih financijskih razloga. Izgledamo promijeniti taj način razmišljanja.

Uklanjanjem samo najboljeg kamena možemo jamčiti da gemstones uvedene na tržište Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral su samo visoke kvalitete i da nikada neće biti pitanje o njihovoj kvaliteti i ukupnoj ljepoti. Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral ne prodaje grubo grubo za rezanje kuća iz ovog točan razlog. Ako stavimo grubu materijal na tržište, ne možemo jamčiti što kupac kupuje, ali kada se kamen kupuje od Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral, izravno, naši kupci mogu biti sigurni da će proizvod koji prima ravno iz izvora i dostupan je najkvalitetnijim materijalom. Ova praksa osigurava da se sve Juniper Mountain Gem i Minerals prodaje mogu zajamčiti i da svaki od naših kupaca napusti zadovoljstvo kupnjom.

Ovaj vrhunski pristup Fair Trade je put budućnosti i pomaže u sprječavanju prekomjerne manipulacije tržištem dragog kamenja i njegovim radnicima. Predugo je vlasnik mina i njihovi zaposlenici bili na milosti pohlepe i potpuno zanemarujući ljudska prava i dobrobit uključenih radnika. Cilj nam je vidjeti to prestanak. Strogo kontroliranjem materijala i samo prodajom gotovih materijala možemo biti sigurni da su praksu poštene trgovine održavane kroz cijeli proces, od grubog do gotovog nakita. Vrlo je neuobičajeno u trenutnom stanju ove industrije pronaći kamenje koje se može pratiti kroz cijeli proces prije njihove maloprodajne prodaje. Svi gemstones prodani Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral su minirane u sigurnom, zdravom radnom okruženju certificiranih, iskusnih rudara s najvećim poštovanjem za okoliš su od najveće brige.

Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral

Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineral svibanj biti novi u boji gemstone industriji, ali to je da svjež pristup koji će biti početak nove, osvježene rudarske industrije. Uskoro će dani eksploatacije radnika biti stvar prošlosti. Pravedna plaća i zdravi uvjeti rada bit će standardni, a svaki pojedini kamen prodan u tom trenutku može se nositi istinskim ponosom i elitnom razinom povjerenja u prilično nabavljenu proizvod. Svijet se mijenja u svakom pogledu i na novim je generacijama potrebno upravljati svijetom na način koji pogoduje cijelom čovječanstvu. Cijenimo našu priliku doprinijeti ovim promjenama za svjetliji i ljepši svijet.

Posjetite Juniper Mountain Gem i Mineralni dućan

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