Opal Sheriff Programs
Opal Šerif Program
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At Opal Auctions we pride ourselves on only offering natural, earth mined Opals. We are able to do that by:

  • Creating our Verified Seller program which involves a rigorous process to become approved as a seller.

  • The creation of the Sheriff program that allows you to request an audit on an item. Continue below to learn more about this program.



The Opal Sheriff Program is a world first program that allows customers to request a review on any item listed on Opal Auctions. We are proud of this program and it has given customers peace of mind when buying opals online. Opal Auctions only allows natural Opals to be sold with no imitation or synthetics. The Opal Sheriff Program helps keep our high level of customer satisfaction by delivering exactly what we advertise.

It is operated by an independent panel of qualified Gemologists and advisers from within the Gemstone industry.

The panel will review and audit individual items at the request of customers and leave their findings on publicly visible reports on the item page.

The Sheriff has two main goals –

  1. To answer questions and guide potential buyers via the Audit system

  2. To support, mentor and guide our Verified Sellers.

Our Sheriff Program is offered across our entire network, giving you an extremely consistent experience and useful tool set on all our websites.

How To Use The Sheriff Program

Look out for “Audit Information” on the right hand side of all items. To request an audit simply click the button “Request Audit”

gemstone sheriff program

Once an audit has been requested the following message will be displayed until the audit is complete. “This auction has a Sheriff audit pending. Check back soon to see the completed audit.”

audit pending

Once the audit is complete the person who requested the audit will be notified via our internal messaging system. For everyone else the audit will be visible by clicking on the “View Report” button.

audit complete

The final report will specify two checks

  • Description Accurate - This is all of the details on the item including treatments.

  • Pictures Accurate - Pictures are accurate including enhancement

audit details

We aim to maintain a quick turnaround time, but it may take up to 48 hours for the audit to be written, therefore we recommend you request an audit early in an auctions` cycle and add the item to your Item Watch list to keep an eye on the audit status.

Now that you know how the Gemstone and Opal Sheriff program works go ahead and request a few. We are always here to help.

A Word On Opal

Some descriptive terms that everyone needs to be aware will no longer be acceptable for use without prior approval from the Opal Sheriff, including

  • Investment

  • Museum

  • Harlequin Pattern

  • Top Class

  • World Class

Any opal listed that has been treated most be described as treated

Ethiopian opal that is smoked cannot be called black opal but described as Smoked Opal.

No Ethiopian opal can be called black opal unless certified by an approved laboratory.

Black images Sellers can use black background image but have to have hand image and neutral image with each listing .

Regarding each term, in order to fit the criteria to be called worthy of the word ‘Investment’, sellers must be certain that what they have actually qualifies, but how can you ‘qualify’ something when the word ‘Investment’ is essentially meaningless?

Please read this short article by Don Clarke, President of the International Gem Society: Investing in Gems http://www.gemsociety.org/info/igem15.htm

We are adopting Mr Clarke’s guidelines, therefore use of the word ‘Investment’ will no longer be acceptable, and there are other words that are being used excessively to pump up auctions that are meaningless, such as World Class, Top Class or grade, and all are frowned upon because there is no standard for using them.

The same holds true for the word ‘Museum’, which is also meaningless since museums have just about every gemstone on earth in their archives, and all in varying qualities, so by what criteria would a stone be considered ‘Museum’ quality? There is none, so the word ‘Museum’ is also now unacceptable for use in auctions.

The word Harlequin, however, does have meaning, although the experts don’t always agree on what it means, but the consensus of opinion seems to be that the true harlequin pattern was so named because it resembles the costume of a harlequin, with its regularly arranged squares, of equal size, in a checker board pattern. This is why true Harlequins are extremely rare, since it is more common to see patterns with distorted angles, squares that are unevenly arranged, or squares that are too small to be called harlequin, and those patterns would be better designated as mosaic, honeycomb, flagstone. In ‘A Field Guide to Australian Opals’ (1977), Barrie O’Leary lists 12 subspecies of harlequin, and says the individual color patches in true harlequins should be set closely together, and be over one millimetre in diameter to qualify to be called ‘Harlequin’.

One thing everyone does agree on is that true harlequins are extremely rare; so rare that they consider themselves lucky if they get to see just one a year.

Based on that criteria, there are no photos of the Harlequin pattern on the chart, so if you have a photo of a true Harlequin we would appreciate you submitting it for the chart.

Rarity carries a lot of weight when it comes to value, so it can be very tempting to stretch the strict requirements of the definition of ‘Harlequin’ to fit many celled opal patterns, therefore, the use of the word ‘Harlequin’ now requires pre-approval by the OS Posse. So all our sellers need to go through their auctions and remove the words “Investment”, “Museum”, “World Class”, “Top Quality”, and all such derivatives from their titles and descriptions, as well as the word “Harlequin” until they get approval to use it from the Opal Sheriff. You can find a link to message us by looking for the Opal Sheriff Badge in the verified sellers list. This is effective immediately, so please clean up your auctions before the OS Posse finds these words being used, or someone reports you to the OS. Thank you for your time and cooperation, and for helping us keep our sites the #1 auction sites in the world, all because of our sellers’ reputation for professionalism, honesty and integrity. Keep up the good work. The OS Posse

Opal Šerif Program je prvi svjetski program koji korisnicima omogućuje da zatraže recenziju o bilo kojoj stavci navedenoj na Opal Aukcijama. Ponosni smo na ovaj program i dali smo kupcima mir u kupnji opala online. Opal Aukcije dopuštaju da se prirodni Opali prodaju bez imitacije ili sintetike. Opal Šerif Program pomaže u održavanju visoke razine zadovoljstva kupaca tako što ćemo isporučiti točno ono što oglašavamo.

Upravlja ga nezavisni panel kvalificiranih gemologa i savjetnika iz Gemstone industrije.

Panel će pregledati i reviziju pojedinih stavki na zahtjev kupaca i ostaviti svoje nalaze na javno vidljivim izvješćima na stranici stavke.

Šerif ima dva glavna cilja -

  1. Odgovoriti na pitanja i voditi potencijalne kupce putem sustava za reviziju
  2. Podržati, mentor i voditi naše Verified Sellers .

Naš šerif program se nudi cijelom mrežom, pružajući vam izuzetno dosljedno iskustvo i korisno sredstvo postavljeno na svim našim web stranicama.

Kako koristiti šerif program

Pazite na "Informacije o reviziji" s desne strane svih stavki. Da biste zatražili reviziju, jednostavno kliknite gumb "Zatraži reviziju"

program šerifa gemstera

Nakon što se zatraže revizije, prikazat će se sljedeća poruka dok se ne dovrši reviziju. "Ova dražba ima šerifov audit na čekanju. Provjerite uskoro da biste vidjeli dovršenu reviziju. "

revizija na čekanju

Kada je revizija gotova, osoba koja je zatražila reviziju bit će obaviještena putem našeg internog sustava za razmjenu poruka. Za sve ostale revizije će biti vidljive klikom na gumb "Pregled izvješća".

revizija je dovršena

Konačno izvješće će navesti dvije provjere

  • Opis Točno - Ovo su sve pojedinosti o stavci uključujući i tretmane.
  • Fotografije točne - slike su točne, uključujući poboljšanje

pojedinosti o reviziji

Cilj nam je održati brzi vremenski rok, ali može potrajati do 48 sati da bi se revizija napisala, stoga preporučujemo da zatražite reviziju ranije u ciklusu dražbi i dodajte stavku na svoj popis artikala kako biste zadržali oko o statusu revizije.

Sada kada znate kako djelo Gemstone i Opal Sheriff ide naprijed i zatražiti nekoliko. Mi smo uvijek ovdje da vam pomognemo.

program šerifa gemstera i program opala šerifa

Riječ o opalu

Neki opisni pojmovi koje svatko mora znati više neće biti prihvatljiv za upotrebu bez prethodnog odobrenja Opal Šerifa, uključujući

  • Ulaganje
  • Muzej
  • Harlequin Pattern
  • Vrhunska klasa
  • Svjetska klasa

Bilo koji opisani opal koji se liječi najviše se opisuje kao tretiran

Etiopski opal koji je pušen ne može se nazvati crnim opalom, već opisan kao dimljeni opal.

Nijedan etiopski opal ne može se nazvati crnim opalom, osim ako ga ovjerava odobreni laboratorij.

Crne slike Prodavači mogu koristiti crnu pozadinsku sliku, ali moraju imati sliku ručke i neutralnu sliku sa svakim unosom.

Što se tiče svakog pojma, kako bi odgovarao kriterijima koji se nazivaju vrijednim riječi "Ulaganja", prodavači moraju biti sigurni da ono što oni zapravo ispunjavaju uvjete, ali kako možete "kvalificirati" nešto kada je riječ "ulaganja" u suštini besmislena?

Pročitajte ovaj kratki članak Don Clarke, predsjednik Međunarodnog društva dragulja: ulaganje u dragulje http://www.gemsociety.org/info/igem15.htm

Usvajaju se smjernice g. Clarkea, stoga uporaba riječi "Investicijska ulaganja" više neće biti prihvatljiva, a postoje i druge riječi koje se pretjerano upotrebljavaju kako bi se napuhale aukcije koje su besmislene, kao što su World Class, Top Class ili grade svi su namršteni jer nema standarda za njihovo korištenje.

Isto vrijedi i za riječ "Muzej", što je također besmisleno budući da muzeji imaju gotovo svaki dragulj na zemlji u svojim arhivima, a sve u različitim kvalitetama, pa po kojim bi se kriterijima kamen smatrao kvalitetom muzeja? Nema, tako da je riječ "Muzej" također neprihvatljivo za upotrebu na aukcijama.

Riječ Harlequin, međutim, ima značenje, iako se stručnjaci ne slažu uvijek o tome što to znači, ali čini se da je konsenzus mišljenja da je pravi harlekin uzorak toliko nazvan jer je sličan nošnjama harlekina, sa svojim redovito raspoređenih kvadrata, jednake veličine, u uzorku odbora. Zato su pravi Harlequini izuzetno rijetki, jer je češći vidjeti obrasce s iskrivljenim kutovima, kvadratići koji su neravnomjerno raspoređeni, ili kvadratići koji su premali da bi se nazivali harlekinima, a ti obrasci bi bili bolje označeni kao mozaik, saće, kamena ploča. U 'Vodiču za australske opale' (1978), Barrie O'Leary navodi 12 podvrsta harlekina i kaže da bi pojedinačni flasteri u istinskim harlekinima trebali biti tijesno postavljeni i da bi trebali biti više od jednog milimetara u promjeru kako bi se mogli nazvati 'Harlekin'.

Jedna stvar s kojom se svatko slaže je da su pravi harlequini iznimno rijetki; tako rijetko da se smatraju sretnim ako vide samo jedanput godišnje.

Na temelju tih kriterija, na grafikonu nema slika Harlekinovog uzorka, pa ako imate fotografiju prave Harlequina, cijenili biste nam da ga pošaljete za grafikon.

Rijetkost ima veliku težinu kada je u pitanju vrijednost, tako da može biti vrlo primamljivo da se protežu strogi zahtjevi definicije 'Harlequin' kako bi odgovarali mnogobrojnim opalnim uzorcima, stoga upotreba riječi 'Harlequin' sada zahtijeva - odobrenje OS Posse. Dakle, svi naši prodavači trebaju proći kroz njihove dražbe i ukloniti riječi "Ulaganja", "Muzej", "Svjetska klasa", "Vrhunska kvaliteta" i svi takvi derivati ​​iz njihovih naslova i opisa, kao i riječ "Harlequin" dok ne dobiju odobrenje za korištenje od Opal Šerife. Možete pronaći vezu kako biste nas poslali u potrazi za Opal Sheriff Badge na potvrđenoj listi prodavača. Ovo je na snazi ​​odmah, stoga molimo da očistite svoje dražbe prije nego što OS Posse pronađe te riječi ili vam netko prenese na OS. Zahvaljujemo na vašem vremenu i suradnji te nam pomažete da naša web mjesta ostanu na stranicama # 1 aukcije na svijetu, sve zbog reputacije naših prodavača za profesionalnost, iskrenost i integritet. Nastavi s dobrim radom. OS Posse

Ovaj tekst je strojno preveden. Prikaži original?

Je li ovaj članak bio koristan?

11 ljudi smatraju ovaj članak korisnim



we want to know if a opal company is selling a piece of jewllery that that they have reduced how does the buyer know if they are getting a genuine reduction

23rd Jul 2020

thats great service !! tks so much

28th Jul 2019

Dear opal sheriff,

To change the feedback I entered in the past, Is it possible? 
If possible, please let me know how.
I would like to change my feedback on Bravoopal Store's item 769930 from neutral to positive.

Gaku Takahashi

5th May 2019

The sheriff service is free?

20th Mar 2019

I have a set of cufflinks that were made by my grandfather mr alf tyack in 1975. He told me that they are black opal. I was 16 years old when he gave them to me and he said dont lose them as they will be worth a few dollars. How do i get them authenticated

20th Aug 2017

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