Hydrophane Opal Information
Informacije o hidrofanskom opalu
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Hydrophane Opal is a new term that has been developed to describe a certain type of Opal. Opals have been mined in Europe for thousands of years and in Australia for over 165 years. However the discovery ofEthiopian opals and Hydrophane opals has only been around for about 20 years. In the last 10 years there has been in increase in the commercial quantities of this material.

Louis Leakey, the well-known anthropologist, uncovered the first known opal relics in a cave located in Kenya. During the 4000 B.C they most possibly came from Ethiopia. Its interesting that the oldest opal known possibly came from Ethiopia which is now considered a new opal field.

Introduction To Hydrophane Welo Opal

I started buying small amounts of rough Welo in 2008 and increased to multiple kilos by now. I’ve cut a couple of thousand stones from Welo and worked on developing procedures that worked for me during 2008 and sold my first Welo in 2009. I’ve now sold hundreds of cured Welo Gems and keep a study group of cut Welo with many different types and patterns. All are Hydrophane.

Welo has 2 types of opal and as you’ve been reading, most is “Hydrophane”, soaks up large amounts of water and dries out large amounts of water. and “Non Hydrophane” which acts very similar to Australian Opal and cuts the same. Hydrophane is the Opal that also looses color and changes clarity when exposed to large amounts of water. I cut all of my Welo with a Genie Machine under a water flush and the total immersion for a couple of hours mostly turns the White Base Hydrophane opal crystal clear and sometimes washes all, or most, of the color away. Not to fret though even after hours of water and going through the most difficult upheaval of their existence, being cut and polished, almost all come through with “Flying Colors” and they all return to their previous appearance and all that color catches up andsome really “fly”!!!

When buying my rough Welo I buy 5 gram stones and above with 10g to 40g common. Better than the mine run rough that most arecutting from!! I use larger stones because I don’t dop my rough while cutting, just hold them in hand. One advantage of that is Welo won’t adjust to heat evenly and tends to fracture if exposed to much heat so if I dop I cold dop. That is just my preference, but it increases my yield which can be very low, in most cases there is about 2/3 loss in stones being cleaned of matrix and some natural fractures, to a finished gem. That can be increased by selecting each stone, but that is very difficult here in the US.

With Welo I find from experience that the rough must be cut to at least 3000 diamond grit (if you use diamond) to seal the surface so it expands and contracts in a uniform manner, if you cut part of the way and leave it dryfor an hour or two, it is likely to be fractured when you return. Also if you leave any matrix in it also reacts differently than the host opal and may cause cracking. I polish to a 14K grit and finalpolish with Cerium Oxide for a mirror finish. This highly polished finish tends to curb the loss or gain of water in amounts that occur when wearing the gemsand cuts down on the absorption of any foreign materials through its surface and diminishes the tendency to react to different climates. This is what seals the surface so you can get your Welo Gems quite wet without noticeable basecolor loss or loss of brilliance.

I also cut some Welo that is black on crystal base and find almost all is non-hydrophane. All Hyrophane Opal varies in the amount of hydrophane properties it possesses. It can vary from almost unnoticeable when we cut it to so hydrophane that it sticks to our fingers, if we have any moisture at all on them, kind of like the kid sticking his tongue to piece of playground equipment when it’s frozen and it freezes his tongue to it immediately!!

The yellow centers, or “Yolk” of Welo, some cutters automatically remove them, but I haven’t found a correlation between cracks and yolks so I remove them if they aren’t artistically appealing, but some have colorplay and sometimes are attractive, by the way some aren’t yellow at all,they can go to completely clear void of color.

I find that by completely sealing the surface by this system of polishing makes it unnecessary to use other sealers, but is is necessary to finish all the sides to seal it.

There are many “geometric” patterns, such as Honeycomb, Fishscale, Rainbow Prism, Ribbon and many others that you can see in Opal Auctions literature andby common usage have become accepted descriptions that are very rare in opal from most other localities, but found in Ethiopian opal and some are considered a premium and might auction at higher prices than other patterns.

Some gems cut withone pattern on one side and the other side is a completely different pattern. The patterns are usually determined by a cellular structure making up the gem and viewing these cells at different angles changes the Pattern that it produces.

Here is where most lapidaries will disagree with my method, but it works for me, and doesn’t affect the stability of the Rub. When you are looking to cut the rough into a gem, I will dip the rough once in water and study the reaction on the surface of the rough. If there are any fractures in the rough they will absorb water into the cracks and after just seconds darker lines start to appear where the cracks walls absorb the water and turn clear in a fine line where the cracks are. It will show any cracks if you are cutting it and you look close enough, and look carefully and it will give you an idea how deep the cracks go. Some cracks are just on the surface and can be ground or polished away, like crazing. Sometimes crazing can enhance the colorplay of the finished gem. If the finished gem makes it through the cutting and polishing after a day or so it will have done any cracking or crazing it is goung to do, so by the time you see it on Auction it has done what it is going to do if it has been throughly polished. I havent had anyFine Welo Gems crack in my study stones or had any returned from cracking. Be asured, with proper care, washing with soap and water when the are a little scrungy is about all they need. Not necessary to keep them in any liquids such as water or glycerine or oil, keep them out of laying in direct sun like you might have through a window or any heat source, if your hand can take the heat so will your Welo Hydrophane Opal!!

Since I mentioned crazing, it isn’t always detrimental. I have a 330ct Welo crystal with beautiful fire and color that is completely crazed throughout the surface and this crazing refracts the light such that it increases the color play. I’ve designed this huge Welo Crystal into a mushroom by attaching a welo base that gives it some depth and purpose and it looks just like a mushroom. I’ve polished through some windows to expose the fracture free insides of the gem and it also exposes another unique aberration of the welo and that is a “Phantom”!! This phenomena looks like an opal within an opal, some have colorplay, sometimes different than the host opal while others are just a light gray. This “phantom” is also being discussed by opinions from different camps as to what they are and how they form.

That brings me to Welo formations and we know that Welo, like Mexican and many othersare Volcanic in origin but I also have several with plant matter such as roots and straw and others that are definite “Limb Casts”, which lends creedence to the possibility of longer term seepage replacement with the twigs and roots appearing as fossils inside the opal.

For Hydrophane Welo the buying public want thesebeautiful colors andpatterns and they are out there for interested parties to discover, even in smaller rough, they can be found. You’ll see listings with a brilliance description such as 5 of 5 or 3.5 of 5 and that is referring to the dullest colors as 1 and the mostbrilliant as 5. Welo has some of the mostbrilliant crystal opals and varied patterns and colorplay of any if you are looking for those properties.

When we first started experimenting with Welo opal we realized that it is important to have a rest or drying time before they are brought to market and most agreed that we would try a year (12 months) of resting. After my studies of these gems I am of the opinion that a full year is not necesary so I usually rest my Hydrophane Opal for several months, or in some instances shorter, depending on the amount of Hydrophane Properties each gem portrays.

Now for “NON HYDROPHANE” Welo, just a line or two!! It consists of 10 to 20% of all Welo I’ve worked and it cuts and acts just like Australian in nearly ever manner.

Those are some of my thoughts and findings after working a few years and thousands of stones with the deceptive Welo Hydrophane!!

Does the depth of mining determine how stable Ethiopian opal is?

No research has been done on this factor if opal mined in certain areas as to how it was formed and does this effect the opals stability.

In the opal fields at lightning Ridge, the miners know if you go deep in some fields that the opal is not as stable.

 Most miners work 20-30-meter depth and opals are stable, but if you go deep in some areas the potch is softer and the opals will not be as stable.

Some opal fields have reputation like Mehive that lot of opal is unstable and crystal is used to make doublets or triplets

The potch is also softer and more a wet clay appearance than a dry clay look.

But in Ethiopia the opal is volcanic and miner will work horizontal not vertical as most opal mines are.

As this Ethiopian opal was formed in violent volcanic areas with many earthquakes and the country has reputation of massive earthquakes and volcanic activity.

So, when new opal deposits are found it is impossible to see how it was formed and at what depths

This could be the reason why some areas have higher cracking problem than others and if you follow Ethiopian sellers feedback on opalauctions you will see lot repeat buyers buying , so this location where the opal came from is more stable.

Its not scientific but could explain why some parcels of Ethiopian rough produce more stable opals.

Does Air Travelling affect Hydrophane Ethiopian Opal?

Recently at an Opal Show I met an Opal Wholesaler who took some Welo Opal to the United States of America from Australia. He placed some Ehtiopian Opal in his carry bag and some in his check-in luggage.

When he arrived in USA he noticed the opals in the check in luggage had some cracks on the surface but the opals he hand carried were in fine condition.

So it seems that the atmospheric pressure or humidity change had an influence on the Hydrophane opal?

Checking atmospheric pressure we find most jet airplanes have controlled pressure in their luggage compartment but most are not heated and are just above freezing. Even pressure in older aircraft might not be as accurate as airline companies report.

I don’t think anyone has studied the effect of atmospheric pressure or humidity change on Welo Opal. If diamonds are formed by natural pressure there is reason that Hydrophane opal could be affected by atmospheric pressure.

For air travelers pressurization becomes necessary at 12,500 feet or 3,800 meters. We are all familiar with the pressure in our ear drums caused by rapidly descending aircraft or even altitude sickness. Many have had the experience of fizzy drink bottles exploding in their cases or shampoo bottles exploding in check -in luggage. Apparentlyif the shampoo bottle is not full it will not explode.

This makes us wonder about water in Hydrophane opal as it has nowhere to go when under pressure and if opal freezes as the aircraft rapidly descends into dryer humidity’, this might affect the opal?

Animals are shipped in luggage compartments that are heated and pressurized but airlines have different compartments for luggage. Most luggage compartments are not heated and sometimes your luggage will arrive freezing cold and what happens to this opal when it arrive in dry humidity?

Fracture Testing

Gemstone cutters have done fracture testing on quartz for centuries. Even in 16th century German, they would pressure- test quartz by placing hot or cold water or ice to fracture test quartz. Then the fracture would crack at its weakest point and they could carve and shape the rock without fear of any more cracking.

Maybe air travel is doing the same to some hydrophane opal? So many factors can effect hydroplane opal. It might only be small proportion of opals that would be affected but worth investigating. Most International flights fly at 39,000 feet or 12,000 meters

What Can You Do?

You can’t really put moisture in a baggie with Welos because they will absorb it and it will alter their appearance, and the water alone could crack the opal by absorbing unevenly, even before it gets to the cabin pressure or temperature issue. Most rough is bone dry, and gets flown out of the country at some point, so I wouldn’t think cabin pressure would make much of a difference unless a cut opal still had water in it. Freezing should also only affect it if it has water in it that would expand when it froze, so drying Welos thoroughly is a must.

In the end, we are unable to find a definitive reason as to why Ethiopian Welo opal is affected by air travel.

Shop For Ethiopian Opals

Hidrofanski opal novi je pojam koji je razvijen za opisivanje određene vrste opala. Opal se vadi u Europi tisućama godina, a u Australiji više od 165 godina. Međutim, otkriće etiopskih opala i hidrofanskih opala postoji tek oko 20 godina. U posljednjih 10 godina bilježi se porast komercijalnih količina ovog materijala.

Louis Leakey, poznati antropolog, otkrio je prve poznate relikvije opala u špilji koja se nalazi u Keniji. Tijekom 4000. godine prije Krista najvjerojatnije su došli iz Etiopije. Zanimljivo je da je najstariji poznati opal možda došao iz Etiopije koja se danas smatra novim opalovim poljem.

Uvod u hidrofan Welo Opal

Počeo sam kupovati male količine grubog Wela 2008. godine i do sada sam porastao na više kilograma. Izrezao sam nekoliko tisuća kamena s Wela i radio na razvijanju postupaka koji su za mene radili tijekom 2008. godine, a svoj prvi Welo prodao sam 2009. godine. Sada sam prodao stotine izliječenih dragulja Welo i držim studijsku skupinu za rezanje Welo s mnogim različite vrste i obrasci. Svi su hidrofan.

Welo ima dvije vrste opala, a kao što ste već čitali, većina je "hidrofan", upija velike količine vode i isušuje velike količine vode. i "Non Hydrophane" koji djeluje vrlo slično australskom opalu i rezanje istog. Hidrofan je Opal koji također gubi boju i mijenja bistrinu kada je izložen velikim količinama vode. Izrezao sam sve svoje Welo s Genie Machine pod vodom, a ukupna uronjenost na nekoliko sati uglavnom pretvara kristalno bistri opal White Base Hydrophane i ponekad ispire svu, ili većinu boje. Da se ne uznemirujem, iako se i nakon sati vode i prolazeći kroz najteže preokrete svog postojanja, posječeni i polirani, gotovo svi dolaze s "Letećim bojama" i svi se vraćaju u svoj prijašnji izgled i sva ta boja sustiže i ponešto stvarno "letjeti"!!!

Kada kupujem svoje grubo Welo, kupujem kamenje od 5 grama i više s uobičajenim od 10 g do 40 g. Bolje nego što je rudnik grub od kojeg se većina reže !! Koristim veće kamenje jer ne rezam svoje grube dijelove tijekom rezanja, samo ih držim u ruci. Jedna od prednosti toga je što se Welo neće prilagoditi ravnomjernom zagrijavanju i ima tendenciju pucanja ako je izložen velikoj vrućini, pa ako dodam hladni dop. To je samo moja želja, ali povećava prinos koji može biti vrlo nizak, u većini slučajeva postoji oko 2/3 gubitka u kamenju koje se čisti od matrice i nekih prirodnih lomova, do gotovog dragulja. To se može povećati odabirom svakog kamena, ali to je ovdje u SAD-u vrlo teško.

Sa iskustvom iz Wela otkrivam da se hrapavost mora rezati na najmanje 3000 dijamantnih zrna (ako upotrebljavate dijamant) kako bi se površina zapečatila, tako da se širi i ujednačava, ako dio puta prerežete i ostavite suhim za sat ili dva, vjerojatno će biti puknut kad se vratite. Također ako u njemu ostavite bilo koju matricu, ona reagira drugačije od opala domaćina i može prouzročiti pucanje. Poliram do granulacije 14K i završno poliram cerium oksidom za zrcalnu završnu obradu. Ova visoko polirana završna obrada nastoji suzbiti gubitak ili dobitak vode u količinama koje se javljaju prilikom nošenja dragog kamenja, smanjuje apsorpciju stranih materijala kroz njegovu površinu i umanjuje tendenciju reagiranja na različite klime. To je ono što brtvi površinu tako da vaše Welo Gems možete pokvasiti bez primjetnog gubitka osnovne boje ili gubitka sjaja.

Također sam izrezao malo Wela koji je crn na kristalnoj osnovi i otkrio sam da je gotovo sve nehidrofan. Svi Hyrophane Opal variraju u količini hidrofanskih svojstava koje posjeduje. Može varirati od gotovo neprimjetnog kad ga izrežemo na toliko hidrofan da nam se zalijepi za prste, ako na njima uopće ima vlage, nekako poput djeteta koje jezikom lijepi komad opreme igrališta kad je smrznuto i smrzava mu jezik odmah !!

Žuti centri, ili "Žutanjak" iz Wela, neki ih rezači automatski uklanjaju, ali nisam pronašao korelaciju između pukotina i žumanjaka, pa ih uklanjam ako nisu umjetnički privlačni, ali neki imaju igranu boju i ponekad su atraktivni, usput rečeno, neki uopće nisu žute boje, mogu postati potpuno jasni bez boje.

Smatram da potpuno brtvljenjem površine ovim sustavom poliranja čini nepotrebnim upotrebu drugih brtvila, ali potrebno je završiti sve strane da bi se to zapečatilo.

Postoje mnogi „geometrijski“ uzorci, poput saća, riblje ljuske, dugine prizme, vrpce i mnogi drugi koje možete vidjeti u literaturi Opal Auctions, a uobičajena upotreba postali su prihvaćeni opisi koji su vrlo rijetki u opala s većine drugih lokaliteta, ali se nalaze u Etiopski opali i neki od njih smatraju se premijom i mogu se dražiti po višim cijenama od ostalih uzoraka.

Neki dragulji režu jedan uzorak s jedne, a s druge strane potpuno je drugačiji uzorak. Uzorci se obično određuju staničnom strukturom koja čini dragulj, a promatranje tih stanica pod različitim kutovima mijenja obrazac koji stvara.

Ovdje će se većina lapidarija ne složiti s mojom metodom, ali djeluje kod mene i ne utječe na stabilnost trljanja. Kad želite izrezati grubo u dragulj, ja ću ga jednom umočiti u vodu i proučiti reakciju na površini grubog. Ako ima grubih lomova, oni će upiti vodu u pukotine i nakon samo nekoliko sekundi počinju se pojavljivati tamnije crte na mjestima na kojima zidovi pukotina upijaju vodu i postaju čisti u tankoj liniji gdje su pukotine. Pokazat će sve pukotine ako ga režete i ako pogledate dovoljno izbliza, pažljivo pogledajte i dat će vam ideju koliko duboko pukotine idu. Neke su pukotine samo na površini i mogu se brusiti ili polirati, poput pucanja. Ponekad ludilo može poboljšati igranu boju gotovog dragulja. Ako gotov dragulj prođe kroz rezanje i poliranje nakon otprilike jednog dana, učinit će bilo kakvo pucanje ili pucanje, što je uobičajeno, pa dok ga vidite na aukciji, učinio je ono što će učiniti ako to učini je u potpunosti poliran. Nisam imao nijednu pukotinu Fine Welo Gems u kamenju za proučavanje ili se vratio iz pucanja. Budite sigurni, uz pravilnu njegu, pranje sapunom i vodom kad su malo neuredni otprilike sve što im treba. Nije potrebno držati ih u tekućinama poput vode, glicerina ili ulja, držite ih dalje od polaganja na izravnom suncu poput prozora ili bilo kojeg izvora topline, ako vaša ruka može podnijeti toplinu, tako će to učiniti i vaš Welo Hydrophane Opal! !

Otkad sam spomenuo ludovanje, to nije uvijek štetno. Imam Welo kristal od 330ct s prekrasnom vatrom i bojom koji je potpuno izluđen po cijeloj površini, a ovo izluđivanje lomi svjetlost tako da povećava igranje boja. Ovaj ogromni kristal Welo dizajnirao sam u gljivu pričvrstivši welo bazu koja mu daje neku dubinu i svrhu i izgleda baš poput gljive. Uglađao sam kroz neke prozore kako bih razotkrio unutrašnjost dragulja bez fraktura, a također otkriva još jednu jedinstvenu aberaciju wela, a to je "Fantom" !! Ova pojava izgleda poput opala unutar opala, neki imaju igranu boju, ponekad se razlikuju od opala domaćina, dok su drugi svijetlosivi. O ovom se „fantomu“ raspravlja i u mišljenjima različitih kampova o tome što su i kako nastaju.

To me dovodi do formacija Welo i mi znamo da je Welo, poput meksičkog i mnogih drugih, vulkanskog podrijetla, ali imam i nekoliko biljnih tvari kao što su korijenje i slama i druge koje su definitivni "odljevi udova", što daje mogućnost da se dugotrajna zamjena procjedanja s grančicama i korijenjem koji se pojavljuju kao fosili unutar opala.

Za Hydrophane Welo kupci žele ove prekrasne boje i uzorke, a zainteresirani ih mogu otkriti, čak i u manjim okvirima, kako ih mogu pronaći. Vidjet ćete popise s opisom sjaja kao što su 5 od 5 ili 3,5 od 5, a to se odnosi na najtamnije boje kao 1, a najbriljantnije kao 5. Welo ima neke od najsjajnijih kristalnih opala i raznolike uzorke i igranje boja bilo kojeg tražite ta svojstva.

Kada smo prvi put počeli eksperimentirati s Welo opalom, shvatili smo da je važno imati vrijeme odmora ili sušenja prije nego što se stave na tržište, a većina se složila da ćemo probati godinu dana (12 mjeseci) odmora. Nakon studija ovih dragulja, mišljenja sam da puna godina nije potrebna, tako da svoj hidrofanski opal obično odmaram nekoliko mjeseci, ili u nekim slučajevima kraće, ovisno o količini hidrofanskih svojstava koja svaki dragulj prikazuje.

Sada za "NON HIDROFAN" Welo, samo redak ili dva !! Sastoji se od 10 do 20% svega Wela koji sam radio i gotovo i uvijek djeluje poput australskog.

To su neka od mojih razmišljanja i otkrića nakon nekoliko godina rada i tisuće kamena s varljivim Welo Hydrophane !!

Određuje li dubina kopanja koliko je etiopski opal stabilan?

Nisu provedena istraživanja o ovom čimbeniku ako se opaal kopao na određenim područjima kako je nastao i utječe li to na stabilnost opala.

U poljima opala na Lightning Ridgeu rudari znaju ako zađete duboko u neka polja da opal nije toliko stabilan.

Većina rudara radi na dubini od 20-30 metara i opali su stabilni, ali ako duboko zađete u neka područja, lonac je mekši i opali neće biti toliko stabilni.

Neka polja opala imaju reputaciju poput Mehivea, jer je puno opala nestabilno, a od kristala se prave dupleti ili trojke

Lonac je također mekši i izgleda više mokre gline nego suhog izgleda.

Ali u Etiopiji je opal vulkanski i rudar će raditi vodoravno, a ne vertikalno, kao što je to većina rudnika opala.

Kako je ovaj etiopski opal nastao u nasilnim vulkanskim područjima s mnogo potresa, a zemlja je na glasu kao masivni potresi i vulkanske aktivnosti.

Dakle, kad se pronađu nove naslage opala, nemoguće je vidjeti kako su nastale i na kojim dubinama

To bi mogao biti razlog zašto neka područja imaju veći problem s pucanjem od drugih, a ako slijedite povratne informacije etiopskih prodavača o opalaukcijama, vidjet ćete ponovljene kupce koji kupuju, tako da je ovo mjesto odakle je opal stabilniji.

Nije znanstveno, ali bi moglo objasniti zašto neki paketi etiopske grube proizvode stabilnije opale.

Utječu li zračna putovanja na hidrofanski etiopski opal?

Nedavno sam na izložbi Opal upoznao veletrgovca Opal koji je iz Australije odnio nekoliko Wela Opal u Sjedinjene Američke Države. Stavio je malo ehtiopskog opala u torbu za nošenje, a nešto u svoju prtljagu za prijavu.

Kad je stigao u SAD, primijetio je da su opali u prtljazi imali pukotine na površini, ali opali koje je nosio bili su u dobrom stanju.

Dakle, čini se da su atmosferski tlak ili promjena vlažnosti utjecali na hidrofanski opal?

Provjeravajući atmosferski tlak otkrivamo kako većina mlaznih zrakoplova kontrolira tlak u svom prtljažniku, ali većina se ne zagrijava i nalazi se tik iznad smrzavanja. Čak i pritisak u starijim zrakoplovima možda neće biti toliko precizan kako izvještavaju zrakoplovne tvrtke.

Mislim da nitko nije proučavao učinak atmosferskog tlaka ili promjene vlage na Welo Opal. Ako dijamanti nastaju prirodnim tlakom, postoji razlog da na hidrofanski opal može utjecati atmosferski tlak.

Za zračne putnike pritisak je potreban na 12.500 stopa ili 3.800 metara. Svima nam je poznat pritisak u ušnim bubnjevima uzrokovan brzo spuštanjem zrakoplova ili čak visinskom bolešću. Mnogi su imali iskustva s eksplozijom boca gaziranog pića u njihovim slučajevima ili bocama šampona koje su eksplodirale u prtljazi. Navodno ako bočica sa šamponom nije puna, neće eksplodirati.

To nas tjera da se zapitamo o vodi u hidrofanskom opalu jer nema kamo otići pod pritiskom, a ako se opal smrzne dok se zrakoplov brzo spušta u vlagu sušilice ', to bi moglo utjecati na opala?

Životinje se šalju u odjeljke za prtljagu koji se griju i nalaze pod tlakom, ali zrakoplovne tvrtke imaju različite odjeljke za prtljagu. Većina prtljažnih prostora nije zagrijana, a ponekad vam prtljaga stigne smrzavajuća i što se događa s ovim opalom kad stigne u suhoj vlazi?

Ispitivanje loma

Sjekači dragog kamenja stoljećima su vršili ispitivanja loma na kvarcu. Čak i u njemačkom 16. stoljeću, ispitivali bi kvarc stavljanjem vruće ili hladne vode ili leda za ispitivanje kvarca na lom. Tada bi prijelom pukao na najslabijem mjestu i mogli bi isklesati i oblikovati stijenu bez straha od daljnjeg pucanja.

Možda zračno putovanje čini isto s nekim hidrofanskim opalom? Toliko čimbenika može utjecati na hidroavionski opal. To bi mogao biti zahvaćen samo mali udio opala, ali vrijedan istrage. Većina međunarodnih letova leti na 12.000 metara

Što možeš učiniti?

S Welosom zapravo ne možete staviti vreću u vreću jer će je oni upiti i izmijeniti njihov izgled, a sama voda mogla bi ispucati opale neravnomjernim upijanjem, čak i prije nego što dođe do problema s tlakom ili temperaturom u kabini. Najgrublje je suho u kostima i u određenom trenutku izleti iz zemlje, pa ne bih mislio da će pritisak u kabini imati velike razlike ako u izrezanom opalu još uvijek nema vode. Zamrzavanje bi također na njega trebalo utjecati samo ako u sebi ima vode koja bi se proširila kad bi se smrznula, pa je temeljito sušenje Welosa nužno.

Na kraju, nismo u mogućnosti pronaći konačni razlog zašto zračni prijevoz utječe na etiopski welo opal.

Kupite etiopske opale

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24 ljudi smatraju ovaj članak korisnim



Hello Wayne,

Wow! That was one of the best and most comprehensive sources of Welo opal information that I've ever read. Wishing I had of found your post years ago. I had no idea that approximately 20% of Welo opal is non-hydrophane. I thought that only the "Ethiopian Opal" was non-hydrophane.

That could explain the beautiful black Welo cab I cut yesterday that went crack crazy on me while I was cutting it and worse yet as it was drying out. I'm actually surprised it's still holding together, lol. I'm thinking the non-hydrophane Welo is more heat sensitive, but I haven't cut enough non-hydrophane to know for certain. I have however cut hundreds of hydrophane Welo cabs from OA rough and have never experienced such frustration on the wheel as I did yesterday with the non-hydrophane material.

Until I just read this post I thought all Welo opal was hydrophane opal. Thanks for the eye opener, mate. I will be sure to ask the seller the next time I suspect the rough maybe non-hydrophane in nature.

I absolutely love hydrophane Welo opal. Although it will lose it's color when wet which isn't desirable, I strongly believe that its unique hydrophane property is exactly what makes it super stable over time, especially when compared to non-hydrophane Ethiopian opal and dare I say Australian opal as well.  I have over 100 polished opal cabs in my collection and in the last 3 years since I started cutting not one of my Welo cabs has cracked. All of the non-hydrophane Ethiopian opal cabs have cracked up and about 1/3 of my Australian opal. When it comes to Ethiopian opal it's hydrophane only for me.

Again, thanks Wayne for the great info and your insight on hydrophane opal.

All the best,
Dougie in Newfoundland : )

24th Feb 2023

Thank you so very much, that was extremely useful.  I have recently fallen in love with the Welo Opal and have purchased several of them, as well as some rough.  My hubby bought me a rock cutter and a polisher so now I'm trying to learn as much as possible before trying it out.  I'll likely work with some obsidian first to get a feel for it.  I will read the book.  Thank you so much!  Rikki Waterhouse

21st Feb 2023

Excellent article!  Great information presented nicely.

4th Oct 2020

Hi Thomas
Thank you for your message
Non-Hydrophane are excellent to cut
Australian opals are non-hydrophane and very rare to have an Australian Hydrophane opal.
Australian Opal fields from Boulder to Lightning ridge and south Australia are all non- hydrophane opals
Small opal field of Tintenbar is reported to have some hydrophane opal but there is no commercial opal mining now in this area.
It is personal preference on what opal fields people like to cut and polish
Opal cutting a s hobby is on the increase and can be financially rewarding also.
To start, I suggest cutters buy some Ethiopian and boulder opal rough and when more experienced than buy Lightning Ridge rough material

20th Sep 2019

So are non-hydrophane opals completely useless to cut?

16th Sep 2019

How do I keep welo cabs from turning yellow?

28th May 2017

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