What is Synthetic Opal?
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what is synthetic opalOpal is a naturally-occurring amorphous solid known for its flashes of fire color. An amorphous solid is a material that, unlike crystal, is not organised in a regular lattice pattern. This makes for some unusual interactions with light, and is explicable for opal’s rainbow colours. 

However, just because opal is classified as amorphous is not to say that its atoms are arranged without order. Chemists have discovered a clear sphere structure in opal, which has led to them copying it in 1974. Synthetic opal is often named Gilson opal, after Pierre Gilson, the man who invented it (along with a number of other synthetic minerals: coral, emerald, lapis lazuli, etc.). If you’re looking for someone to blame for having paid over the odds for a synthetic substance, by the way, Pierre Gilson is the man you’re looking for.


Originally synthesised in Switzerland, Glison opal is now primarily synthesised in Japan (by Kyocera and Inamori, for example). It differs from natural opal inasmuch as it is much more regular. Synthetic opal, though less desirable than organic opal in the eyes of most lapidaries, is not to be confused with imitation opal, which, unlike pure synthetic opal, is tinctured with minerals not found in actual opal. The term “Gilson opal” is usually used to refer to imitation opal, opals which are not only lab-created but contain minerals not found in actual opal (minerals such as plastic in Slocum stone, for example).

what is synthetic opal

How to Spot a Synthetic Opal

If you ever find yourself in the market for opals, you’d be well advised to bring a loupe along with you. Under a high magnification (of around sixty), it’s clear to tell by the regularity and columnar nature of the patterns that the opal is synthetic. Even to the naked eye, the columnar nature of the opal is plainly visible. With the help of a loupe you’ll be able to discern a so-called ‘lizard skin’ effect in the patches of colour. This crumbly surface is the most common “tell-tale” of synthetic opal. 

what is synthetic opal

Synthetic opals are said to fluoresce a green colour under UV light. Along with the loupe, you’d be well advised to take a UV torch along with you to the flea market (or wherever you go to get your opals). If it fluoresces, it’s synthetic; if not, it’s natural.

The Two Main Kinds of Synthetic Opal

Synthetic opal comes in two main kinds: white opal and black opal. The white opal is generally more expensive than the black, largely because the white is more natural-looking than the black.

A new man made opal Monarch opal has recently come onto the market and many people think it isa new opal, but it is man made synthetic opal.

  synthetic opal

Monarch opal has been the most confusing man-made opal so far as dark black the potch line inclusions look like treated Andamooka stone

Another man-made opal is Aurora Opal made by the German company Pinfire Gems and Colloids

These Synthetic Opals and Synthetic Impregnated Opals, Coarse and Fine Crystalline Opals have a Non-Directional Play-of-Color and are seen in lot opal bangles. They market Aurora black opal, Fire opals and Crystal opals. The Aurora opal patterns are described as Irregular and non-directional swirls.

Bello opal by Sanwa a Hong Kong based company that makes synthetic opals as well as synthetic turquoise.


Many countries manufacture opals as it is a valuable gemstone, so unfortunately we will be expecting more synthetic opals to come on line. To our knowledge China and Thailand are constantly trying to manufacture new products for this market to catch the unsuspecting opal buyer. Professional laboratories try and market their product as brand name.

Synthetic opal is available in sheets or blocks. Blocks are used to make bangles and sheets are ideal for inlay work or matching sets rings, pendant and earrings.

Warning to hobby cutters, most of these man made silica opals do have the same properties as natural opals, which can cause problems with lungs called silicosis.

Caveat emptor Buyer Beware!



しかし、オパールがアモルファスとして分類されているからといって、その原子が無秩序に配列されていると言っているわけではありません。化学者は、オパールに明確な球体構造を発見し、1974年にそれを模倣することになりました。合成オパールは、多くの場合、それを発明したピエールギルソンにちなんで、ギルソンオパールと呼ばれます。 、ラピスラズリなど)。ところで、合成物質のオッズを支払ったことで責任を負う人を探しているなら、ピエール・ギルソンはあなたが探している人です。

もともとスイスで合成されていたグリソンオパールは、現在、主に日本で合成されています(たとえば、京セラや稲盛による)。はるかに規則的であるため、天然オパールとは異なります。合成オパールは、ほとんどの宝石職人の目には有機オパールよりも望ましくありませんが、純粋な合成オパールとは異なり、実際のオパールには見られないミネラルで着色された模造オパールと混同しないでください。 「ギルソンオパール」という用語は、通常、模造オパールを指します。実験用に作られただけでなく、実際のオパールには見られない鉱物(例えば、スローカムストーンのプラスチックなどの鉱物)を含むオパール。



オパールの市場で自分自身を見つけた場合、ルーペを持参することをお勧めします。高倍率(約60倍)では、パターンの規則性と円柱状の性質から、オパールが合成であることがわかります。 肉眼でも、オパールの柱状の性質がはっきりと見えます 。ルーペの助けを借りて、色のパッチでいわゆる「トカゲの皮」効果を識別することができます。この砕けやすい表面は、合成オパールの最も一般的な「物語」です。








別の人工オパールは、ドイツの会社Pinfire Gems and Colloids製のオーロラオパールです



合成オパール化学組成:SiO2.nH2O + Resin



ホビーカッターへの警告、これらの人工シリカオパールのほとんどは、天然オパールと同じ特性を持っています。これは、 珪肺症と呼ばれる肺の問題を引き起こす可能性があります。



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