Hyalite Opal :produits de valeur

Buy Hyalite Opal

Buy Hyalite Opal direct from opal miners in Australia and Mexico This is a colorless opal and is a variety that forms in clusters or globules and has been called Grape Opal. This opal is clear like glass and found in Dalby NSW Australia and forms on rhyolite rock or in ore deposits and volcanic rocks. It also has fluoresces qualities and displays green hues Hyalite Opal is also found in Mexico in Madgalena region, These Hyalite specimens fluorescence’s green to yellow with a purple base.. The opal is bright orange colour and forms in large size so specimens are in many opal collections and has also been called fire opal hyalite a s colours are bight orange colour Opal specimens under ultra violet light can display bright colours Hyalite opal ha s also been found in Utah usa but in small quantities but reports are that they do facet well and have been called ice opal These Hyalite can be facteted and called satin flash opal and It was formed by geyser or hot spring deposits of minerals In Utah’s Mineral Mountains lies a large geothermal font, and nearby is a deposit of highly silicate opalized ice opal , that formed in layers thick enough and hard enough to cut into gemstones Production is also limited in this area but opal collectors should consider adding a ice opal specimen to their collection