Yowah Opal Information
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yowah opal informationYowah Opal from Yowah, Australia are famous for their deep strong ironstone with fantastic patterns and inclusions of colour. 

Yowah Opal is well-known for its attractive and exclusive Yowah Opal nuts which cannot be found elsewhere in the world. These ‘nuts’ range from about 5mm to 200mm and tend to be found in a spherical shape.

Yowah Nuts Opal have particularly breath-taking inclusions of color, making them highly sought-after by opal collectors. These nuts can be very deceiving at first sight as they can look like ordinary stones but when they are opened, they transform into a magical and colourful stone.

Yowah Opal Fields

The Yowah Opal Field area was first leased in 1883 to miners and Opals are still are a significant part of the local economy. The Yowah Opal fields also produce other kinds of opal such as Pipe Opal, Opal Matrix, Seam Opal and Yowah Nuts.

Yowah is famous for its fossicking sites which are not far from the main road. Every year the small opal mining society in Yowah celebrates its opal festival. This usually features several large opal collections including the famous Yowah Nut. yowah opal

Yowah Opal fields are mostly worked by hand instead of large machinery. While a few open-cut mines have recently opened for large-scale mining, many Yowah Nut Opals are still found by fossicking. Many opal miners are 1-2 man operations.

Yowah opal field

The Yowah Opal festival, held mid-July, features a jewelry competition to showcase these beloved opals.

On the Hunt for Yowah Opals

Recently my mate purchased a bucket of Yowah nuts for $500. It is common for these buckets to sell for thousands and its a gamble to see if the nuts show any colour worth cutting and polishing into stones. Yowah nuts with colour are very valuable but my mate sliced this bucket up and found no colour! Just expensive patterns. Buying virgin rough is always a gamble.

yowah opal

Black opals have risen in value each year as they are becoming scarcer. Even though black opals will probably keep increasing in value I believe the real opportunity for investment may be Koroit and Yowah boulder opals. Yowah and Koroit are less rare than black opals but just not as well known. When considering an investment stone, the collector would like to buy an investment at the minimum price and hopes the investment will increase in margin. The initial price is not as important as the percentage of increase. If someone bought a Koroit stone for ten dollars and after five years could sell the stone for $100 dollars that would represent a 10 fold increase (purchase power with inflation removed) in margin.

yowah opal

Sorry to say to the black opal investors out there that the upper end of black opals will probably not increase ten fold (purchase power with inflation removed) in the next century. Yowah and Koroit opals, on the other hand, have the opportunity to increase in value vastly due to the relative low cost. The big question is are Koroit and Yowah opals desirable enough to justify an increase in value?

The answer is a resounding YES.

One of the favorite opals I own is a 30 carat Koroit opal that has a dark almost black surface covered in fractal like veins with each vein being able to change colors sometimes 6 times! There is also crystal opal on the surface that would rival the whitest opal with color change of every color in the rainbow. The reds look volcanic red and the stone looks like it is lit from within with red fire crackling on the surface with shifting positions of the opal. I have seen many black opals in my time and I have not honestly seen a black opal costing less than $2000 dollars that is more beautiful than my Koroit boulder. My opal cost $150 dollars.

Yowah and Koroit opals are unique in that the patterns and colors are usually very pure.

The colors are prismatic with the red being laser red, indigo being electric indigo, etc. The opal in the veins frequently make the stone look like its lit from within and the vein patterns are a delight to look at and the color play as mesmerizing as black opal.

I have seen Yowah nuts that look like lightning is crackling across a 40mm long surface over with over 50% of the surface glowing with matrix fire. These stone look like they a powerful light source beaming out of the veins and the striking patterns in rival the beauty of Chinese letters in precious black opal. Another nice fact about Boulder opal is that the nature of the stone will make it virtually impossible for the gemstone to be “created” diluting the inventory of real opals. I would urge the reader to go to a major auction site that sells opals and put in the search string “boulder opal video” without the quotes of course. Then find an opal that you think is attractive and browse the offerings by the same seller and make sure to look at the video. Most of the quality products will include a video.

Right now Germany is the largest consumer of boulder opals. Germany is a progressive country whose citizens enjoy the fractal like quality, interesting color and fire of Yowah and Koroit opals. I believe it is a matter of time before many people will consider boulder opals more interesting than traditional stones that look like glass, i.e. diamonds and rubies, etc. I would also keep an eye out for the Asian opal market.

yowah and koroit opals

Koroit opal fields are really just next door to yowah opal, so it is bit confusing to buyers. Asians have long treasured multi-colored objects, many through the practice of Feng Shui. Ammolite, an organic gemstone similar to boulder opal, has taken off in Asian countries and there is no reason why boulder opal shouldn’t do the same. It’s all about marketing and luck. Even though only a very marginal percentage of the opal exported from Australia is boulder opal, the supply is certainly more prevalent than black opal. This means that enough products will be available to increase the attractiveness of investment, but not so much as to diminish the investment quality. The increasing global nature of the gemstone business means that boulder opals will finally get their shot to gain the respect they deserve and become premiere investment stones.


yowah蛋白石信息來自澳大利亞 Yowah 的 Yowah Opal 以其深邃堅固的鐵石而聞名,其具有奇妙的圖案和色彩內含物。

Yowah Opal以其迷人而獨特的 Yowah Opal 堅果而聞名,這種堅果在世界其他地方都找不到。這些“螺母”的範圍從大約 5 毫米到 200 毫米,並且往往呈球形。

Yowah Nuts蛋白石具有特別令人嘆為觀止的顏色內含物,使它們受到蛋白石收藏家的追捧。這些堅果乍一看可能非常具有欺騙性,因為它們看起來像普通的石頭,但當它們打開時,它們會變成神奇而多彩的石頭。

Yowah 蛋白石場

Yowah Opal Field 地區於 1883 年首次出租給礦工,蛋白石仍然是當地經濟的重要組成部分。 Yowah 蛋白石礦場還生產其他種類的蛋白石,如管蛋白石、蛋白石矩陣、接縫蛋白石和 Yowah Nuts。

Yowah以其離主要道路不遠的淘金地點而聞名。 Yowah 的小型蛋白石採礦協會每年都會慶祝其蛋白石節。這通常包括幾個大型蛋白石系列,包括著名的 Yowah Nut。 約瓦蛋白石

Yowah Opal 油田大多是手工作業,而不是大型機械。雖然最近開放了一些露天礦進行大規模開採,但仍有許多 Yowah 堅果蛋白石是通過淘金發現的。許多蛋白石礦工都是 1-2 人操作。


7 月中旬舉行的 Yowah 蛋白石節將舉辦珠寶比賽,以展示這些深受喜愛的蛋白石。

尋找 Yowah 蛋白石

最近我的朋友花了 500 美元買了一桶 Yowah 堅果。這些水桶的售價通常高達數千美元,這是一場賭博,看看堅果是否有任何值得切割和拋光成石頭的顏色。有顏色的 Yowah 堅果非常有價值,但我的伙伴把這個桶切成薄片,發現沒有顏色!只是昂貴的圖案。購買未加工的原石總是一場賭博。


黑蛋白石的價值每年都在上漲,因為它們變得越來越稀缺。儘管黑蛋白石的價值可能會不斷增加,但我相信真正的投資機會可能是 Koroit 和 Yowah 巨石蛋白石。 Yowah 和 Koroit 不像黑蛋白石那麼稀有,但並不那麼出名。在考慮投資石時,收藏家希望以最低價格購買投資,並希望投資增加利潤。初始價格並不像增加的百分比那麼重要。如果有人以 10 美元的價格購買了一塊 Koroit 寶石,五年後可以以 100 美元的價格出售該寶石,這意味著保證金將增加 10 倍(去除通貨膨脹的購買力)。


很遺憾地對那裡的黑蛋白石投資者說,下個世紀黑蛋白石的高端可能不會增加十倍(消除通貨膨脹的購買力)。另一方面,由於成本相對較低,Yowah 和 Koroit 蛋白石有機會大幅增加價值。最大的問題是 Koroit 和 Yowah 蛋白石是否足以證明價值增加是合理的?


我擁有的最喜歡的蛋白石之一是 30 克拉的 Koroit 蛋白石,它有一個幾乎黑色的深黑色表面,覆蓋著分形狀的靜脈,每條靜脈有時可以改變顏色 6 次!表面上還有水晶蛋白石,可以與最白的蛋白石相媲美,彩虹中每種顏色的顏色都會發生變化。紅色看起來像火山紅色,石頭看起來像是從內部點燃,表面有紅色的火光隨著蛋白石的位置變化而劈啪作響。在我的時代,我見過很多黑蛋白石,老實說,我還沒有見過比我的 Koroit 巨石更漂亮的價格低於 2000 美元的黑蛋白石。我的蛋白石花了 150 美元。

Yowah 和 Koroit 蛋白石的獨特之處在於其圖案和顏色通常非常純淨。

顏色呈棱形,紅色為激光紅,靛藍為電靛藍等。 脈絡中的蛋白石經常使石頭看起來像是從內部點亮,脈紋圖案令人賞心悅目,色彩搭配令人著迷黑蛋白石。

我見過看起來像閃電的 Yowah 堅果在 40 毫米長的表面上劈啪作響,超過 50% 的表面因矩陣火而發光。這些石頭看起來像是從脈絡中射出的強大光源,其醒目的圖案與珍貴的黑蛋白石中中國字母的美麗相媲美。關於博爾德蛋白石的另一個好事實是,石頭的性質幾乎不可能“創造”寶石,稀釋真正蛋白石的庫存。我會敦促讀者去一個出售蛋白石的主要拍賣網站,然後輸入搜索字符串“boulder opal video”,當然沒有引號。然後找到您認為有吸引力的蛋白石並瀏覽同一賣家的產品並確保觀看視頻。大多數優質產品都包含視頻。

目前,德國是巨石蛋白石的最大消費國。德國是一個進步的國家,其公民喜歡 Yowah 和 Koroit 蛋白石的分形質量、有趣的顏色和火。我相信很多人會認為圓石蛋白石比看起來像玻璃的傳統寶石(即鑽石和紅寶石等)更有趣,這只是時間問題。我也會密切關注亞洲蛋白石市場。

yowah 和 koroit 蛋白石

Koroit 蛋白石礦場實際上就在 yowah 蛋白石的隔壁,所以買家有點困惑。亞洲人長期以來一直珍視五彩繽紛的物品,其中許多是通過風水的實踐獲得的。菊石是一種類似於圓石蛋白石的有機寶石,已在亞洲國家興起,而圓石蛋白石也沒有理由不這樣做。這完全取決於營銷和運氣。儘管從澳大利亞出口的蛋白石中只有很小一部分是巨石蛋白石,但供應量肯定比黑蛋白石更為普遍。這意味著將有足夠的產品來增加投資的吸引力,但不會降低投資質量。寶石業務日益全球化意味著巨石蛋白石將最終獲得應有的尊重並成為首要的投資寶石。


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I really hope so!!!

5th Nov 2017

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