Ethiopian Opal Specimens
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Buy Ethiopian Opal Specimens
Ethiopian Opal Specimens direct from the mines of Africa. In the early 1990’s a new type of Opal surfaced in Mezezo Ethiopia Africa and it is stunning.
Some specimens have phantom inclusions inside and are so unique and interesting .Chocolate specimens from Mezezo can cut dark color opals but most make ideal opal specimen
Opal specimens are ideal for display, if an opal has natural cracks we also call the opal a specimen
So always check if the Ethiopian opal specimen has cracks or not.
If the opal has cracks and you prefer to cut the opal its best to fracture test first so that you cut out the natural cracklings to produce an opal that is clean with no cracks. Note, sometime most of the opal is cut away to cut clean opal so please be aware of this when buying if you want to cut the opal.
We offer all shapes and sizes of Ethiopian Opal Specimens for sale from Mezezo and Welo.