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Ethiopian Opal Parcels
2,134 ProizvodiFilteri
Mezezo Opal Parcels
Smoked Opal Parcels
Welo Opal Parcels
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Dubina (mm)
Buy Ethiopian Opal Parcels
Ethiopian Opal Parcels direct from the mines of Africa. Fire crystal opals offered as parcel lots mostly come from the same rock or same area of a mine, so the colours and composition are well matched.
Good matching Ethiopian opals can be made into jewelry sets.
Other opal parcels can be from the same opal mine, but even in one day of mining the different levels might have different composition so it is common to see light to dark color tones in the one parcel Ethiopian opals.
Opal Parcels offered are from Mezezo and Welo,and several new opal fields