$195.00 USD
Geschätzter UVP: UVP

9.40 Cts Shell Patch Opal-Out Back Opal Hunters OPJ 2804

Abmessungen (mm)
17.000 x 12.000 x 8.000mm
Gewicht (cts)

Natural fossil shell polished to try and keep its original formation as shell.

Opal miner mined over 10 years just above Shell patch opal fields in cooper Pedy.

This shell fossil has just been polished, due to recent interest in this area

Shell fossil take considerable long time to cut and polish

Very unique opal to make into creative Jewelry

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FedEx $12.00 / :Tage Tage $39.00 / :Tage Tage
FedEx erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $12.00
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FedEx erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $39.00
Registered Shipping $9.00 / :Tage Tage $16.00 / :Tage Tage
Registered Shipping erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $9.00
Rest der Welt
Registered Shipping erhält bei Bestellungen mit 2 oder mehr Artikeln einen Rabatt auf $16.00

Opal Plus has a rich history that began in 1990 when it commenced selling Opals in Perth, Western Australia. Initially, the business was closely tied to the mining efforts of Paul, who was extracting Black Opal from Lightning Ridge, NSW. The rough Opal was transported to Perth, where Wayne co-ordinated the meticulous cutting, polishing, and eventual sale as finished stones. By 1992, Opal Plus transitioned its operations to the vibrant Gold Coast of Queensland, establishing an Opal cutting factory. Here, the team engaged in the intricate processes of rubbing, cutting, and polishing an impressive average of 120 Black Opals each day. With numerous partnerships and Opal mining ventures in place, Opal Plus secured a reliable source of Opal rough material to sustain its operations. Expanding its reach beyond Australia, Opal Plus began catering to the markets of New Zealand and participated in renowned events such as the Tuscon Gem Shows in America and gem shows in Japan. In 1995, the introduction of Estella's jewellery creations added a new dimension to the business, as Opal jewellery became an integral part of their offerings, enhancing the Opal sales experience for customers across Australia and beyond.
:Stadt Land
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Auflistungstyp : Standard
Produkt ID : 831655
Beginnt : 25th May 2024 04:54 pm PDT
* Alle Preise verstehen sich in :Währung