Famous Opals in Australian Opal Mining History
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famous opals in Australian history

There have been many famous Opals discovered throughout time in Australia’s history of Opal mining. Some more impressive than others. Here is just a handful of the biggest and most famous Opals that have been discovered in Australia.

Olympic Australis

famous opals olympic australis

Olympic Australis Opal (courtesy of Altmann & Cherny)

  • Weight - 3450 grams (That’s 17,250 cts!)

  • Dimensions - 280mm (L) x 120mm (H) x 115mm (W)

  • Found - 1956

One of the most valuable and famous Opals ever discovered in the world is the Olympic Australis opal which was found in Coober Pedy (South Australia) in 1956 at the ‘Eight Mile’ Opal field. This stone weighs approximately 3.4 kilograms is a vital part of the Altmann & Cherny Collection based in Melbourne. The stone was named after the Olympic Games which were being held in Melbourne the same year as this Opal was discovered. It’s current estimated value is said to be over $2,500,000AUD.

Aurora Australis

famous opals - Aurora Australis

  • Weight - 180 carats

  • Dimensions - 3inches (L) x 1.8inches (W)

  • Found - 1938

The ‘Aurora Australia’ is considered the world’s most valuable Black Opal. It was discovered in Lightning Ridge, NSW in 1938 from an old sea bed. The harlequin pattern with dominant blue, green and red colours on a black background resembles the bright southern lights which is how the opal got its name the ‘Aurora Australis’. It was purchased by Altmann and Cherny and was cut and polished into an oval shape from it’s original semi rough form. This is arguably the most impressive of all the famous opals.

Worth an estimated $1,000,000AUD

The Black Prince

famous opals - The Black Prince Opal

The Black Prince Opal

  • Weight - 181 carats

  • Dimensions - 3inches (L) x 1.8inches (W)

  • Found - 1915

The ‘Black Prince’ which is usually referred to as ‘The Harlequin Prince’ is a famous Opal that weighs 181 carats. It was found by Tom Urwin and Ted Brow in 1915 at Phone Line located in Lightning Ridge. It was obtained in England by the New York’s Museum (Natural History Museum) where it displayed today.

The famous Opal has a flag pattern on one side and a red colour on the other.

Pride of Australia

famous opals - Pride of Australia Opal

Pride of Australia Opal (courtesy of resources, nsw.gov.au )

  • Weight - 225 carats

  • Dimensions - 2inches (L) x 3 inches (W)

  • Found - 1915

The ‘Pride of Australia’ Opal is a double-bordered stone which weighs 225 carats. which is housed in the USA’s Forest Lawn Museum. It is also know as the ‘Red Emperor and was discovered in 1915 by Tom Urwin and Snowy Brown. It was traded in 1954 for $150,000. The same Phone Line piece also generated the Empress of Australia’s, a 110 carat designer stone which is referred as the ‘Flamingo Opal’.

This Opal is shaped like the continent and has black and blue veins crossed with bright red streaks through the double sided 225 carat stone.

The Fire Queen

Weight - 900 carats

Found - 1906

Charlie Dunstan found the ‘Dunstan’s Stone’ which was later renamed to ‘The Fire Queen’ at the Angledool Diggings. It weighed approximately 900 carats. It was the largest nobby found to date - alive with colour - “truly a marvelous gem, too beautiful for words!”

After selling the stone the an unknown buyer for a mere 100 pounds, it is said that Dunstan was found dead in his hut. The stone changed hands several times, each time the new buyer found it difficult to sell the Opal as it was large and there was not a great demand for big black Opals in those days.

In 1928 it was placed in the Chicago Museum, valued at £40,000 where it was renamed ‘The Fire Queen” . In the 1940’s it was then resold to J.D. Rockefeller who donated the Opal to his prestigious family collection. He purchased it for £75,000.

Galaxy Opal

famous opals - Galaxy Opal

Galaxy Opal

  • Weight - 3749 carats

  • Dimensions - 14 x 10.2 x 4.1cm

  • Found - 1976

The world’s largest polished famous Opal is The Galaxy Opal which was found in Brazil in 1976. It was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992. It weighs approximately 3,749 carats and was carved from a grapefruit-sized piece of rough opal weighing 5,205 carats by Scott Cooley.







  • 重量-3450克(17,250克拉!)
  • 尺寸-280mm(長)x 120mm(高)x 115mm(寬)
  • 成立-1956

奧林匹克極光蛋白石是世界上發現的最有價值和最著名的蛋白石之一,它於1956年在庫伯佩迪(南澳大利亞)的“八英里”蛋白石場中被發現。這塊石頭重約3.4公斤,是墨爾本Altmann&Cherny系列的重要組成部分。石頭以發現蛋白石的同一年在墨爾本舉行的奧林匹克運動會命名。它的當前估計價值超過$ 2,500,000AUD。



  • 重量-180克拉
  • 尺寸-3英寸(長)x 1.8英寸(寬)
  • 成立-1938

“澳大利亞極光”被認為是世界上最有價值的黑歐泊。它於1938年在新南威爾士州的閃電嶺從舊海床上發現。丑角圖案在黑色背景上具有占主導地位的藍色,綠色和紅色,類似於明亮的南方光,這就是蛋白石的名字“ Aurora Australis”。它由Altmann和Cherny購得,並從其原始的半粗糙形狀切割並拋光成橢圓形。可以說,這是所有著名蛋白石中最令人印象深刻的。

估計值$ 1,000,000AUD




  • 重量-181克拉
  • 尺寸-3英寸(長)x 1.8英寸(寬)
  • 成立-1915

通常被稱為“丑角王子”的“黑王子”是一種著名的蛋白石,重181克拉。它是由湯姆·烏爾溫(Tom Urwin)和特德·布羅(Ted Brow)於1915年在閃電嶺的電話線上發現的。它是由英國的紐約博物館(自然歷史博物館)在今天展出的。





  • 重量-225克拉
  • 尺寸-2英寸(長)x 3英寸(寬)
  • 成立-1915

“澳大利亞的驕傲”蛋白石是一種重達225克拉的雙邊框石。它位於美國的森林草坪博物館中。它也被稱為“紅色皇帝”,於1915年由湯姆·烏爾溫和斯諾伊·布朗發現。它在1954年以15萬美元的價格交易。同一件電話線也產生了澳大利亞的Empress of Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's Empress of Australia's,重110克拉的設計師級寶石,被稱為“火烈鳥蛋白石”。





查理·鄧斯坦(Charlie Dunstan)發現了“鄧斯坦之石”,後來在Angledool Diggings改名為“火皇后”。它重約900克拉。這是迄今為止發現的最大的Nobby,色彩鮮活,“真是奇妙的寶石,太美麗了!”


1928年,它被放置在芝加哥博物館,價值40,000英鎊,並更名為“火皇后”。在1940年代,它被轉售給JD洛克菲勒(JD Rockefeller),後者將蛋白石捐贈給了他享有聲望的家族收藏。他以75,000英鎊的價格購買了它。




  • 重量-3749克拉
  • 尺寸-14 x 10.2 x 4.1cm
  • 成立-1976

世界上最大的拋光的著名蛋白石是1976年在巴西發現的銀河蛋白石。它於1992年獲得吉尼斯世界紀錄的認證。它重約3749克拉,由葡萄柚大小的粗蛋白石雕刻而成,重5205克拉。克拉·斯科特(Scott Cooley)的克拉。


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