How do I make a payment?
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All Verified Sellers accept one or more of these payment methods:

  • GemPay

  • Credit Card

  • PayPal Account

  • Escrow

Sellers require payment within 3 days of an auction being won or a Make An offer item being accepted. If you require more time please communicate with the seller directly. The payment methods accepted by each seller are shown on the item page and also when an item has been added to the cart.


GemPay is our preferred payment method. It is easy, fast, secure and transparent. Click here to learn more.

Credit Card payments

If the seller accepts credit card payment you will see the Visa, Mastercard and Amex symbols on the cart page. If the credit card icons are not available you are still able to securely pay with your Credit Card through PayPal WITHOUT having a PayPal account. To pay with your credit card select the PayPal option and then select pay with credit card.

PayPal Account payments

Most of our Verified Sellers accept PayPal Account payments.

Escrow.com payments

If the seller accepts Escrow you will see the Escrow.com logo on the cart page. 

Escrow allows you to transfer funds into a trust account (Escrow) instead of paying the seller directly.

To learn about Escrow, read our Escrow Payments page here.

How do I make a payment?

By using our inbuilt Checkout, you will have an opportunity to select your shipping provider, add postal insurance (optional), and automatically add tax (where applicable).

  1. In the top navigation, click on the shopping cart icon

  2. You will be presented with a list of all sellers whom are awaiting payments from you. It will show items that you have committed to buy via an auction or Make An Offer. It will also show items you have not committed to buy but have just added to the cart. These items can be removed from the cart at any time.

We use a 100% secure, PCI certified payment processor to facilitate payments and store your card details for future use (if you ask our website to remember your card).

Please check with your issuing credit card company whether you will be subject to international purchase fees when making cross-border payments to overseas based sellers.


  • 信用卡
  • 貝寶賬戶
  • 直接存款(手動流程)

賣家要求在贏得拍賣或接受報價後 3 天內付款。如果您需要更多時間,請直接與賣家溝通。每個賣家接受的付款方式會顯示在商品頁面上,也會在商品添加到購物車時顯示。


如果賣家接受信用卡付款,您將在購物車頁面上看到 Visa、Mastercard 和 Amex 符號。如果信用卡圖標不可用,您仍然可以通過 Paypal 安全地使用信用卡付款,而無需擁有 PayPal 帳戶。要使用信用卡付款,請選擇 Paypal 選項,然後選擇使用信用卡付款。


我們大多數經過驗證的賣家都接受 PayPal 帳戶付款。




通過使用我們內置的Checkout ,您將有機會選擇您的運輸提供商、添加郵政保險(可選)並自動添加稅費(如適用)。

  1. 在頂部導航中,點擊購物車圖標
  2. 您將看到所有等待您付款的賣家的列表。它將顯示您承諾通過拍賣或提出要約購買的物品。它還會顯示您尚未承諾購買但剛剛添加到購物車的商品。這些物品可以隨時從購物車中移除。

我們使用 100% 安全、PCI 認證的支付處理器來促進付款並存儲您的卡詳細信息以備將來使用(如果您要求我們的網站記住您的卡)。


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