Red Fire Black Opal Empress Found In Rough Parcel
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Empress red fire back opal

Finding a red fire gem black opal in a parcel black opal rough is every opal cutters dream. Even many opal miners do not find a parcel of red opals in their life time of opal mining. Miners at Lighting Ridge always talk about finding a parcel of red fire black opal. It’s what keeps the men in a positive mental attitude that today might be the day that they find their pocket of black opal gems.

In reality it is a different story as just to find opal now is lot more difficult than it was years ago. Many miners found it easy to dig up pockets of opals in the mines but now there are more government policies that make it harder to do opal prospecting or opal mining. Production of black opal has been down for several years but demand is strong for top red on black Investment opal and many top gem opals are sold instantly on the opal fields as opal wholesalers have buyers worldwide wanting to snatch up the top fire black opals.

Watch This Opal Being Cut From The Rough

Just how rare is a red fire black opal?

Only an extremely small percentage of black opals are top gem black opal and only a smaller percentage are large which is over 10 carats. As miners say “More rare than a hens teeth!” This video of finding black opals red fire in a parcel rough opal are mining mates Paul, from Seda opals and Chris from Opalrush. They have both been mining at Lightning Ridge, Queensland for around 30 years each and have a lot mining experience to share. 

red fire black opal stage one rough to polished

Comments From Experienced Opal Cutters

Some of Our experienced opal sellers have made comments to show how rare it is to find these opals.

  • Wayne from Opalplus- Having personally cut and rubbed over 200,000 black opals and run an opal cutting factory , I have never cut fire red black opals like this video shows. Actually not many opal cutters will ever experience the pleasure of rubbing down parcel black opal rough to find gems
  • Patrik from RollingstoneOpals- Have been involved in the opal industry now for over 10 years and just trying to get your hands on the quality black opal rough parcel with jet black N1 body tone which everyone is always after is just so difficult as the darker the body tone the better fire - color play you get in the stone , then on top of this people are always after red color hence red on black to find large amount of this rough opal is extremely hard I get emails and messages from people want to buy 1 kg or 5 kg of quality black opal as they just do not understand Black opal does just not come in this large quantity as other gemstones and even in the rough , to cut stone so many things can go wrong sand , crack , inclusion , so to get a perfect cut black opal is extremely hard as mining has declined rapidly due to increase in mining cost and demand is always high for quality stones
  • Peter from ozzieopals- Rarer than hens’ teeth and so valuable
  • Sally from Trueblue Opals- Incredible video of watching the opal be cut from the rough,a black opal is just so rare Red on black is the best of black opal .
  • Ross Treasures opals- Pretty amazing stone. There are not many Opals out there that will show the same intense red flash of colour.

Paul from Seda Opals says as a rule of thumb only 1% of potch that is mined has any colour and only 1% of that is red on black so it is extremely rare. Now that you know how rare these opals are, browse our collection of Black Opals and try and find your own red on black gem.

Empress crveni vatreni opal

Pronaći crveni vatreni dragulj crni opal u paketu crni opal grub je san svakog rezača opala. Čak i mnogi rudari opala ne pronađu komadić crvenih opala tijekom svog životnog vijeka vađenja opala. Rudari u Lighting Ridgeu uvijek pričaju o pronalaženju paketa crvenog vatrenog crnog opala . To je ono što muškarce drži u pozitivnom mentalnom stavu da bi danas mogao biti dan kada će pronaći svoj džep dragulja od crnog opala.

U stvarnosti je druga priča jer je sada samo pronaći opal puno teže nego prije nekoliko godina . Mnogim rudarima je bilo lako iskopati džepove opala u rudnicima, ali sada postoji više vladinih politika kojeotežavaju istraživanje opala ili rudarenje opala. Proizvodnja crnog opala je u padu već nekoliko godina, ali potražnja je velika za vrhunskim crvenim na crnom. Investicijski opal i mnogi vrhunski dragulji opali se odmah prodaju na poljima opala jer veletrgovci opala imaju kupce diljem svijeta koji žele ugrabiti vrhunske vatrene crne opale.

Gledajte kako se ovaj opal reže od grubog

Koliko je rijedak crveni vatreni crni opal?

Samo iznimno mali postotak crnih opala je vrhunski dragulj crni opal, a samo manji postotak je veliki koji je preko 10 karata. Kako rudari kažu "Rijeđi od kokošijih zuba!" Ovaj video pronalaženja crnih opala crvene vatre u paketu grubog opala su kolege iz rudarstva Paul, iz Seda opals i Chris iz Opalrusha . Obojica rudare u Lightning Ridgeu u Queenslandu oko 30 godina i imaju puno rudarskog iskustva za razmjenu.

crvena vatra crni opal faza jedan hrapava do polirana

Komentari iskusnih rezača opala

Neki od naših iskusnih prodavača opala dali su komentare kako bi pokazali koliko je rijetko pronaći ove opale.

  • Wayne iz Opalplusa - Nakon što sam osobno izrezao i protrljao preko 200.000 crnih opala i vodio tvornicu za rezanje opala, nikada nisam rezao vatreno crvene crne opale kao što pokazuje ovaj video. Zapravo, mnogi rezači opala nikada neće doživjeti užitak grubog trljanja crnog opala kako bi pronašli dragulje
  • Patrik iz RollingstoneOpals - Uključen je u industriju opala već više od 10 godina i samo pokušaj da se dočepate kvalitetnog crnog opalnog grubog paketa s jet crnim N1 tonom tijela koji svi uvijek traže je tako težak kao što je tamnije tijelo ton to je bolja igra vatrenih boja koju dobijete u kamenu , a na vrhu ovoga ljudi su uvijek za crvenom bojom pa je crveno na crnoj pronaći veliku količinu ovog grubog opala izuzetno teško. Dobivam e-poruke i poruke od ljudi koji žele kupiti 1 kg ili 5 kg kvalitetnog crnog opala jer oni jednostavno ne razumiju Crni opal jednostavno ne dolazi u ovolikoj količini kao drugo drago kamenje pa čak i u grubom , za rezanje kamena toliko stvari mogu poći krivo pijesak , pukotina , inkluzija , tako da dobiti savršeno rezan crni opal iznimno je teško jer je rudarenje brzo opadalo zbog povećanja troškova rudarenja i potražnja je uvijek velika za kvalitetnim kamenjem
  • Petar iz ozzieopals - Rjeđi od kokošijih zuba i tako vrijedan
  • Sally iz Trueblue Opals - Nevjerojatan video gledanja kako se opal reže od grubog, crni opal je tako rijedak. Crveni opal je najbolji od crnog opala.
  • Ross Treasures opals - Prilično nevjerojatan kamen. Nema mnogo opala koji će pokazati isti intenzivan crveni bljesak boje.

Paul iz Seda Opals kaže da u pravilu samo 1% iskopane posude ima bilo koju boju, a samo 1% od toga je crveno na crnom pa je izuzetno rijetko. Sada kada znate koliko su rijetki ovi opali, pregledajte našu kolekciju crnih opala i pokušajte pronaći svoj vlastiti crveni na crnom dragulju.

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loved watching this video! More please begging.?.

30th Jan 2021

Enjoy learning about my favorite gem! Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Gives me a great appreciation for the Opal hunter!

26th Jul 2020

Such a fun video! I'd love to see more of these types of videos when a cutter thinks he or she MIGHT have a particularly great stone—so cool to see it go from "bland" rough to amazing!

Of course, listening to Paul & Chris comment along the way is fun, too—not every cutter necessarily has a bubbly personality like they do :)

I wonder how long the whole process took in "real life" from the moment the rough actually touched a grinding wheel?

Videos like this would be nice in GRA, too, when some of the cutters get a special piece of rough. Bet it would increase the selling price—hint, hint to the few exceptional cutters out there (I'm lookin' at you—Ross, Barry, Boyd, and others—lol!)



19th Apr 2017

This opal just has crazy fire. It must be nerve racking to cut something like that. Love the video!

8th Dec 2015

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